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Adblock Plus breaks the image previewer #758

Closed kstratis closed 6 years ago

kstratis commented 6 years ago

This is an interesting one:

The Adblock Plus browser extension seems to break the thumbnail previewer in Dashboard:

screenshot 2018-04-16 12 48 45

Funny thing is that the plugin's UI states that no ads were blocked on the page:

screenshot 2018-04-16 12 48 33

Disabling the extension gets things back to normal. However two days ago this wasn't the case.

I noticed the bug in all major browsers: Chrome 65, Firefox 59.0.2 and Safari 11.1 on OS X. Maybe related to #458.

Any ideas? Thanks

goto-bus-stop commented 6 years ago

Whelp! ABP is using this style rule:

::content img[src*="blob:"] {
  display: none !important;

which hides any generated images…

(Actually it's this generated monster :P)
::content #google_ads, ::content .ads_300, ::content .advert-text, ::content .headerAd, ::content .verticalAdText, ::content .IM_ad_unit, ::content .wp_bannerize, ::content #sponsored_link, ::content #top-banner-ad, ::content .ad_default, ::content .adbox-rectangle, ::content .adsanity-group, ::content .advertCont, ::content .banner-ads, ::content .featured-ad, ::content .for-taboola, ::content .right-ad, ::content .wppaszone, ::content .ad-unit-300-wrapper, ::content .adv_txt, ::content .page-ad, ::content img[src*="blob:"], ::content #ad_728_90, ::content #adver5, ::content .advert-block, ::content .bottomad, ::content .home-ads, ::content .leaderboard-ads, ::content .sticky-ad, ::content .adTopHome, ::content #adblock2, ::content #dfp_ad_Entry_728x90, ::content .ad_item, ::content .footer-ad, ::content .top-advert, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #adheader, ::content .AdBar, ::content #adtop, ::content #advertising_300, ::content .SponsoredResults, ::content .ad-background, ::content .ad-placement, ::content .ad468, ::content .ads-inline, ::content .banner-ad, ::content .bottom-ads, ::content #bannerad, ::content .ad-served, ::content #ad-horizontal, ::content #ctlDisplayAd1_lblAd, ::content .adPanel, ::content .bannerAd, ::content .bsa_it_ad, ::content .refreshAds, ::content .sponsoredLinks, ::content div[id^="acm-ad-tag-"], ::content #ad-wrapper, ::content #leftad, ::content .adPod, ::content .adHolder, ::content .leftAd, ::content .strawberry-ads, ::content .featuredAdBox, ::content .top_ad_wrap, ::content #ad-top, ::content #adFrame, ::content #footer-ad, ::content #headerAd, ::content .ad_container, ::content .bottom-ad-container, ::content .gallery-ad, ::content .module-zerg, ::content #advertising_wrapper, ::content .ads_top, ::content .list-ad, ::content #ad-header-728x90, ::content #ad-right-top, ::content #banner728, ::content #contentad-top-adsense-1, ::content .ad-links, ::content .adWrap, ::content .ad_footer, ::content .after-post-ad, ::content .has-ad, ::content .mobile-ad, ::content .widget_ad_widget, ::content .adItem, ::content #ad-skyscraper, ::content #adPosition0, ::content #advert-placeholder-post-content-image-1, ::content #featured-ads, ::content .adslot_1, ::content .banner_728x90, ::content .reklama1, ::content .sponsorBottom, ::content #ad_topslot, ::content #theAd, ::content .top-ad, ::content #ra-taboola-bottom, ::content #top-ad, ::content .ad-panel, ::content .ad-wrapper, ::content .adplace, ::content .ipsAd, ::content .rightadv, ::content #boxes-box-zergnet_module, ::content .ad-holder, ::content #adcontent, ::content #adsdiv, ::content #reklama, ::content .ad-left, ::content .adChoicesLogo, ::content .ad_title, ::content .ads-1, ::content .advertisment, ::content .newsad, ::content .premiumAdOverlay, ::content a[href*="/adrotate-out.php?"], ::content #game-ad, ::content .adFrameCnt, ::content .rail-ad, ::content #leaderboardad, ::content #ad-bottom, ::content #promo-ad, ::content .advertisement__leaderboard, ::content .displayAd, ::content .lx_ad_title, ::content .player_hover_ad, ::content .s_ad_300x250, ::content .sponsor-text, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #ad_content, ::content #side_ads, ::content .ad_head_rectangle, ::content .container_ad, ::content .story-ad, ::content #adboard, ::content .SidekickItem-Ads, ::content .ad-slot-container, ::content .article-ad-bottom, ::content .contentAd, ::content .leftad, ::content .nav-ad, ::content .quads-location, ::content .textads, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #adsense_inline, ::content .ad-border, ::content .ads-300-250, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #ad-rectangle, ::content #adcontainer2, ::content #contentad, ::content .adModule, ::content .ad_text, ::content .article_ad, ::content .sr-in-feed-ads, ::content #AdvertiseFrame, ::content .post-sponsored, ::content .ad-med-rect, ::content .ad-scroll, ::content .adcode, ::content .advert_list, ::content .change_AdContainer, ::content .google_ads_v3, ::content .sponsor-logo, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #advertContainer, ::content .adspace, ::content .side-bar-ad-position1, ::content #adsIframe, ::content .admain, ::content .header_ad_center, ::content #sponsored_link_bottom, ::content .ad-stack, ::content .adheader, ::content .adsense_single, ::content .advertContainer, ::content .bottom-main-adsense, ::content .featured-ads, ::content .rmx-ad, ::content .taboola-ad, ::content .wpproaddlink, ::content a[data-redirect^=""], ::content .page_ad, ::content #bottom-ads, ::content #topAdvert, ::content .Cheat__outbrain, ::content .ad-bottom, ::content .ad-row, ::content .ad_placement, ::content .skyscraperAd, ::content .sponsor-block, ::content #msad, ::content .adWidget, ::content .bottom-left-ad, ::content .single-ad, ::content .text-ad-links, ::content #adComponentWrapper, ::content #content-header-ad, ::content .ad-vertical-container, ::content .sponsorlink, ::content a[href^=""], ::content .AdBody:not(body), ::content .adframe, ::content .type_ads_default, ::content .AdvertContainer, ::content .ad-1, ::content .article-view__footer-ad, ::content .category-ad, ::content .desktop-ads, ::content .zergnet-widget, ::content #bigAd, ::content .ad-sidebar, ::content #adaptv_ad_player_div, ::content #ads_box, ::content #bottom-ad, ::content #footer_ads, ::content .ad-right, ::content .ad_global_header, ::content #ad468, ::content #leftads, ::content .adResult, ::content .searchad, ::content .banner160x600, ::content #adblock, ::content .ad-728x90, ::content #top_ads, ::content .adarea, ::content .flash-advertisement, ::content #ads-col, ::content #liste_top_ads_wrapper, ::content .LazyLoadAd, ::content .ad-zone, ::content .adText, ::content .bbccom_advert, ::content .widget-ad, ::content #adverts, ::content .ads_wrapper, ::content .list-ads, ::content #divAd, ::content #pre_advertising_wrapper, ::content .ads-2, ::content .adv300, ::content .cp-adsInited, ::content .first-ad, ::content .hasads, ::content #ad-panel, ::content #ka_adRightSkyscraperWide, ::content .adLink, ::content .article-advert, ::content .review-ad, ::content .adsWidget, ::content #adimg1, ::content #advert-right, ::content .adHeader, ::content .advert-horizontal, ::content .banner_ad, ::content .custom-ad, ::content .inner_ad, ::content .pm-ad, ::content .sidebar_ad_1, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #ad_unit, ::content .dfp-ad-unit, ::content .top-ad-container, ::content #ad_banner, ::content #ad_overlay, ::content #mpu_container, ::content #search-sponsor, ::content .ad-source, ::content .ad_space, ::content .advertisement-1, ::content .google-sponsored, ::content .search-ad, ::content #adv-top, ::content .ads-section, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #ad-right, ::content #advertorial, ::content #sponsors-home, ::content #topAd, ::content .ad-text, ::content .adinfo, ::content .premiumAdOverlayClose, ::content a[href*="/cmd.php?ad="], ::content #ad-area, ::content .adHead, ::content .advertiser, ::content .rbRectAd, ::content #adText, ::content #head-ad, ::content #sponsorAdDiv, ::content .ad-hdr, ::content .ad300, ::content .adcont, ::content .adlist, ::content .js-sticky-ad, ::content .reklam2, ::content .right_ad, ::content #ad_header, ::content #sidebar-ads, ::content .ad_header, ::content .container_row_ad, ::content #TopAd, ::content #adbody, ::content #bbccom_mpu, ::content .HomeAds, ::content .ad_leaderboard, ::content .footer-leaderboard-ad, ::content .mid_ad, ::content .smallads, ::content #adspace, ::content .ad-btn, ::content .ads-area, ::content .homepage_ads, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #AdColumn, ::content #div-gpt-ad-spotlight, ::content .adholder, ::content .adrow2, ::content .ads_by, ::content .adv-slide-block-wrapper, ::content .marketing-ad, ::content .taboola_blk, ::content a[onmousedown^="this.href='"][target="_blank"], ::content #Advertisements, ::content #div_prerollAd_1, ::content .adBottomBoard, ::content .advertLink, ::content .post_ad, ::content #ads_bottom, ::content #GoogleRelatedAds, ::content #ad-lead, ::content .adverts, ::content .atf-ad-medRect, ::content .dianomi-ad, ::content .ht_ad_widget, ::content .widget_cpxadvert_widgets, ::content div[id^="div-gpt-ad"], ::content #ad_3, ::content #rh-ad, ::content .ad_Right, ::content .boxadv, ::content #advertiserReports, ::content #center-ad, ::content #gAds, ::content #header-ads, ::content #quads-ad2, ::content .yom-ad, ::content a[href^=""], ::content .admiddle, ::content .header_advert, ::content a[href*=""], ::content #ad-frame, ::content #header_ad, ::content #sponsored_links, ::content .ad-leader-top, ::content .ad_description, ::content .ad_middle, ::content .advertising_banner, ::content .googleAdSense, ::content .taboola-container, ::content #content_ads, ::content .ad-wide, ::content .advert-box, ::content #AD_Top, ::content #ads-wrapper, ::content #adv-masthead, ::content #bottom-ads-container, ::content #mainAd, ::content .ad_160, ::content .adtile, ::content .ec-ads-remove-if-empty, ::content .google_ads, ::content .promoAd, ::content div[id^="advads-"], ::content #adHeader, ::content #my-adsFPAD, ::content .bottomAds, ::content .singleAd, ::content .text-ads, ::content .oasad, ::content .trc_rbox .syndicatedItem, ::content #adlayer, ::content .adfree, ::content .vertical-ads, ::content .ad-banner, ::content .ad_960, ::content .adbottom, ::content .item-ads, ::content .sponsored-inmail, ::content .zergnet-widget-container, ::content .newsAd, ::content .ad-footer, ::content .adContent, ::content .ad_trick_header, ::content .ads_google, ::content .adshome, ::content .profile-ad-container, ::content .sky_ad, ::content .static-ad, ::content .widget_advert, ::content #ad728, ::content #logoAd, ::content .searchads, ::content #ad-main, ::content #bottom_ad, ::content #header-ad, ::content .ADBAR, ::content .adHoldert, ::content .c-ad, ::content .insert-post-ads, ::content .wdt_ads, ::content #adbox, ::content #topad, ::content .adbanner, ::content .topads, ::content #adGallery, ::content #ad_2, ::content #googlead, ::content .ad_728x90, ::content .ads-holder, ::content .content_ads, ::content .wpInsertAdWidget, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #advtop, ::content .adsbottombox, ::content .listad, ::content .ad-loaded, ::content .bottom_ads, ::content .inline-ad, ::content .standalone-ad-container, ::content .widget_adrotate_widgets, ::content #ad-rotator, ::content #adrotate_widgets-3, ::content #ads_left, ::content .ad-unit-label, ::content .advertbox, ::content .pm-ad-zone, ::content .sam_ad, ::content .sidebar_ad_2, ::content a[href^=""], ::content a[href^=""], ::content #ad_wrap, ::content #top-ad-content, ::content .top-ad-content, ::content #ad_table, ::content #adsHeader, ::content .adBox, ::content .advert2, ::content .greyAd, ::content .onf-ad, ::content .wide_ads, ::content #zergnet, ::content .ad-inner, ::content #PreRollAd, ::content #taboola-right-rail-thumbnails-1st, ::content .adinjwidget, ::content .adsBlock, ::content .ads_content, ::content .afs_ads, ::content .banner300, ::content .dfp-ad, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #ad-background, ::content #gridAdSidebar, ::content .rectangle_ad, ::content #top_ad, ::content .ad-4, ::content .ad-head, ::content .ad-unit, ::content .ad_3, ::content .adslot, ::content .adunit-middle, ::content .js-stream-ad, ::content .plistaList > .itemLinkPET, ::content .text-ad, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #ad_leaderboard, ::content #sidebar_ads, ::content .ad_img, ::content .tc_ad_unit, ::content #homead, ::content #player_ads, ::content .ad-slot-sidebar-b, ::content .ad_leaderboard_atf, ::content .box_ads, ::content .homepage-ad, ::content .resultad, ::content a[href^=""], ::content a[href^=""], ::content #rc-row-container, ::content #adspace_top, ::content .ads-bg, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #AdContainer, ::content #adcontainer3, ::content #bigad, ::content .AdBox, ::content .googleAds, ::content #BottomAdContainer, ::content #download_ad, ::content .advertText, ::content .postad, ::content #AdSense1, ::content #adBottom, ::content #bottomAd, ::content #text-ads, ::content .adRight, ::content .ad_block, ::content .ads-title, ::content .inlinead, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #ad_4, ::content #right_ads, ::content .btn-ad, ::content #ContentAd, ::content #ad-container, ::content #adsensewide, ::content #sponsored-links, ::content .ad-widget, ::content .small_ad, ::content .textad, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #ads_right, ::content .SponsoredContent, ::content .adright, ::content .headerad, ::content a[href*=""], ::content #googleadsense, ::content #leaderAd, ::content .ad-disclaimer, ::content .adMessage, ::content .adrotate_widgets, ::content .advertising_block, ::content .pb-f-ads-taboola-article-well, ::content .taboola-inbetweener, ::content #AD_banner, ::content #content_adv, ::content .plainAd, ::content #ads1, ::content #btmsponsoredcontent, ::content .ad-300x250, ::content .ad_unit, ::content .bottomads, ::content .mod-adopenx, ::content .sponsor-box, ::content #adHolder, ::content #myAd, ::content .ad_1, ::content .bottom_ad_block, ::content .textAd, ::content .ad-970, ::content .ad-icon, ::content .adBlock, ::content .ad_boxright1, ::content .addiv, ::content .etad, ::content .iframe-ad, ::content .pushdown-ad, ::content .smallAd, ::content .text_ad, ::content .trc_rbox_border_elm .syndicatedItem, ::content #adnews, ::content .AdInfo, ::content .grid-item-ad, ::content .view_ad, ::content #WNAd41, ::content #footer-ads, ::content #videoAd, ::content .Ad-label, ::content .ads-item, ::content .advertisement-block, ::content .sponsored-inmail-legacy, ::content .topAds, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #body_ad, ::content .ad-square, ::content .adtable, ::content .node-ad, ::content div[itemtype=""], ::content #td-applet-ads_container, ::content .ad-body, ::content .ad90, ::content .ad_trick_left, ::content .adkit, ::content .dfp-tag-wrapper, ::content .sidebar-advertisement, ::content .td-ad, ::content div[id^="ad_script_"], ::content #ad728x90, ::content #logo_ad, ::content .adRotator, ::content .block-ad, ::content .section-sponsor, ::content .content_tagsAdTech, ::content #advert1, ::content #banner_topad, ::content #rightAd300x250, ::content a[href^=""], ::content #adcode, ::content #topadvert, ::content .adbar, ::content .footer-ads, ::content .tower-ad, ::content #ads_wrapper, ::content #headerAdContainer, ::content .SponsoredLinks, ::content .ad-item, ::content .adspot, ::content .boxad, ::content .ligatus, ::content .searchAds, ::content .wpInsertInPostAd, ::content .widget-ami-zergnet, ::content .logo-ad, ::content #videoads, ::content #RightAdBlock, ::content #bannerAd, ::content #leaderboard-advertisement, ::content #sidebar_ad, ::content .ad-location, ::content .ads-right, ::content .ads_div, ::content .advert_area, ::content .frn_adbox, ::content .td-a-rec-id-custom_ad_1, ::content #ad-text, ::content #leaderBoardAd, ::content .adMiddle, ::content .b-advert, ::content .rightAd, ::content #adTop, ::content #adwrapper, ::content .ad-button, ::content .adslot_blurred, ::content .module-ad, ::content .publicidade, ::content .side-ad, ::content .sidebar_ad_3

Not sure what to do about that! wonder why that's blocked…

goto-bus-stop commented 6 years ago


hpvd commented 6 years ago

fyi: with "ublock origin" adblock extension there is not such a problem (standard settings)

kstratis commented 6 years ago

@goto-bus-stop Thanks for the detective work! So.. it's easylist... let's hope they come up with a fix soon. Unfortunately this breaks uppy for a respectable number of users. @hpvd I would be more than happy to switch. However it's not me, it's the users.

...And there are lots of them using ABP.

hpvd commented 6 years ago

@kstratis sure. Was just about to document that ist no additional problem on the site of ublock origin users..

goto-bus-stop commented 6 years ago

One thing you can consider in the mean time is to disable image previews entirely using the disableThumbnailGenerator option:

uppy.use(Dashboard, {
  disableThumbnailGenerator: true

That looks like this, which is better than being entirely blank:


But whether that's worth it depends on what portion of your users have the latest easylists I guess. Obviously people not using ABP would also not get previews anymore for local files.

kstratis commented 6 years ago

@goto-bus-stop Thanks for the suggestion. I'll do exactly as you suggested as it seems the most elegant solution for now. Please keep this issue open for future updates... (even though it's technically not an uppy issue).

goto-bus-stop commented 6 years ago

The filter was removed for now; it'll take a few hours for it to propagate to all users probably.

kstratis commented 6 years ago

I already got the update on my personal machine so I'm closing this down. Great work @goto-bus-stop.

Thanks again.