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Add option to control "Too many messages like this! I won't log this message anymore this session." #6889

Open cmff98 opened 3 weeks ago

cmff98 commented 3 weeks ago

Related to Issue #6731

reardonia commented 3 weeks ago

imho: this is more of a debugging issue and doesn't need mainline support or settings.json update. I would bury this behind an env var or compile constant.

that said, I've hit the limit quite a bit during this week of debugging issues.

I'm surprised that it cuts off on the "class" or message rather than the specific text. Maybe an exponential backoff is in order? Print up to ten, then every ten, then every hundred, etc.

cmff98 commented 3 weeks ago

I understand, that makes sense. But what approach would be the preferred one, to get the value if it exists from an env var or a compile constant?