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Is it possible to open the read/write interface of WEB UI to save the width configuration information locally in NAS? #6902

Open kidzgy opened 2 weeks ago

kidzgy commented 2 weeks ago

What is the issue?

This issue is a feature request. I'm using nas with kit version 4.0.5-26. and I'm using third party transmission WEB UI like and

Currently, the web UI has table headers such as “Name”, “Total Size”, “Progress”, “Add Time”, “Label”, “Date”, “Time”, “Time” and “Time”. and “Label” are saved in the browser cache and cannot be saved locally in the NAS. Even with the EXE executable program, the width information is independent and cannot be shared with the WEB configuration.

According to the developer, since transmission has not opened the interface, the WEB UI does not have read/write access to achieve the purpose of saving the width configuration locally in NAS.

So, is it possible to open this interface to achieve the purpose of saving the width configuration information locally in NAS?


Which application of Transmission?


Which version of Transmission?


killemov commented 2 weeks ago

Related to #6678. In Shift I used a combination of server-side stored data in a .json file and locally stored data in a cookie.

kidzgy commented 2 weeks ago

Related to #6678. In Shift I used a combination of server-side stored data in a .json file and locally stored data in a cookie.与 #6678 相关。 在 Shift 中,我结合使用了 .json 文件中服务器端存储的数据和 cookie 中本地存储的数据。

Is there any way to set the width information, etc. to be the same as the download path, so that it can be shared by both web UI and EXE executable programs? If it's saved in cookies, then when I switch computers or browsers, I have to set the width and other information all over again.

killemov commented 2 weeks ago

There is no way. It has to be added to the software. I referenced an issue that has the potential to fast-track many similar developments that need to store data server-side. I also mentioned my, inferior, workaround.