transmission / transmission

Official Transmission BitTorrent client repository
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RPC working but not accepting torrents from Flood, 403 error #6905

Open the-arctic opened 2 weeks ago

the-arctic commented 2 weeks ago

What is the issue?

Whenever I try to add torrents from the Flood interface by RPC it gives me a 403 error. Despite showing the torrents and allowing me to delete them or stop and start them. So RPC is working but it won’t allow to add torrents. Any suggestions?

Which application of Transmission?

Web client

Which version of Transmission?

Transmission Docker Image

killemov commented 2 weeks ago

In Shift the torrents can be accessed directly for download. (As in: not through Transmission). The torrents are stored with user+group "debian-transmission" (this may vary), In my setup the reverse proxy for Transmission does not have the proper access rights to serve them directly so I have a cron-job change the permissions regularly or get a 403 when I access them.

I suggest you find out the user your Transmission instance uses and make sure the target folder, the one with the torrents, has the proper permissions/user. You can login to your running docker image and try to touch a new file to test this.