transparentdemocracy / voting-data

Voting behavior data extracted from plenary reports of the Belgian federal government.
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Add a "top voter # xxx" attribute to politicians #29

Open sandervh14 opened 1 month ago

sandervh14 commented 1 month ago

Karel dropped a promising visualization of his votes exploration in the slack, with the words "Vanrobaeys Anja is our hardest working politician by this count".

It would be nice if the code ranking the politicians by amounts of votes cast, would run with every info extraction of a new plenary, creating a "top voter # xxx" attribute to politicians.

This way, the website can display that ranking as a page, and as a "badge" next to politician names, like Caroline Gennez (Vooruit) (top voter # 12).

I think this is a more positive way of visualizing work intensity of the person in the parliament, than ranking "absences" (#16 - that issue is also necessary though, for the page that visualizes votes on a motion, see team website's mockup).

It's also more explicit in how we calculate the presence: by voting. However, I don't see another way at this point: we haven't extracted data yet about work group meetings in the federal meeting - but I also suppose these don't happen in parallel of plenary sessions.

I suppose the draft code for this visualization can be found in Karel's notebook, see notebooks/

Add both visualizations to team website's mockups.

karel1980 commented 1 month ago

Glad you liked it. I see 3 aspects here: (1) gathering insights using whatever tool is best for the job (2) figure out which of these we want to publish on the website (3) technically figuring out how to publish these - we could start out with a few static images, but we can also make fancy & interactive graphs.

sandervh14 commented 1 month ago

I agree.

On (3): I'm most in favour of publishing back our experiment results to the json files shared with the website team (for example to put the "top voter xxx" badges next to politican names in the website everywhere that occurs) and to the outside world. But I agree in a prototyping stage temporary display of results can be a good idea.