tranter / raspberry-pi-qt-builds

Qt builds for the Raspberry Pi platform
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Qt-5.14.1 Incompatible version of OpenSSL #9

Open srs4511351 opened 3 years ago

srs4511351 commented 3 years ago

I installed Qt5.14.1-RaspberryPi3-bin-full.tgz on a Raspberry Pi4. It is basically working, but I don't seem to have the correct version of OpenSSL installed. The OS comes with OpenSSL 1.1.1d. I also tried OpenSSL 3.0.0-alpha14-dev and OpenSSL 1.1.1c. All of these versions print a series of errors on startup of the application I am running (QRadioLink) such as QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLeay (and others) and it always ends with: Incompatible version of OpenSSL

After looking around on the Internet, it seems that this could be solved by using the correct version of OpenSSL.

Can you please tell me which version of OpenSSL was used to compile Qt5.14.1? What install directories?
