tranxuanthang / lrcget

Utility for mass-downloading LRC synced lyrics for your offline music library.
MIT License
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Visual player bugs when there is an empty line with the same timestamp as the next line #41

Open NicholasFlamy opened 4 months ago

NicholasFlamy commented 4 months ago

Visual player bugs when there is an empty line with the same timestamp as the next line and the synced lyrics stop showing after that. Screenshot 2024-02-06 192148 Screenshot 2024-02-06 192815 Screenshot 2024-02-06 192825 Screenshot 2024-02-06 192837

Simply changing the blank line timestamp to be the smallest amount off from the next line works fine. I think this is a bug with lrcget's visual display. Other platforms handle these lyrics fine.

NicholasFlamy commented 4 months ago

P.S. Thank you for your work!