tranxuanthang / lrcget

Utility for mass-downloading LRC synced lyrics for your offline music library.
MIT License
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Rating System #42

Open NicholasFlamy opened 4 months ago

NicholasFlamy commented 4 months ago

So I don't know where to submit ideas/feature requests for lrclib, but I want to suggest that there could a rating system so that people could rate (maybe out of 5 stars) lyrics so that lrcget could factor in the rating and preferably pick the highest rating when searching for lyrics.

This would likely require an account system for lrclib which you could sign in with lrcget. I know this would likely require some work to implement but I think this would be beneficial.

tranxuanthang commented 4 months ago

The thing is that this is not the way LRCLIB was designed from beginning.

It was designed for finding a single, best exact match for your song based on metadata (name, artist, album, duration). If the lyrics is somehow inaccurate or out of sync, you can just directly submit a correction. Your newly submitted lyrics would essentially overwrite the older one for that metadata. Think of it as Wikipedia but for lyrics.

NicholasFlamy commented 4 months ago

essentially overwrite You mean that as in the edit will be the new best option that something like lrcget will download? If so that makes sense.

Sometimes for a song there might be like 8 listings that are all identical. And maybe I have a better version that applies to all 8 (since all 8 are literally identical, just different albums (like a Deluxe version, a compilation album, etc.) Or some other detail that doesnt affect the song length and timestamps, its just a different release), then im not sure what to do.

Dr-Blank commented 4 months ago

Your newly submitted lyrics would essentially overwrite the older one for that metadata. Think of it as Wikipedia but for lyrics.

a malicious actor could just submit blank files / corrupt lyrics

one of the ways to solve this could be to have some sort of voting

but i think this would a bit too much

one other soln would be to set a pref in client, like only DL lyrics from official sources and avoid user submitted lyrics

NicholasFlamy commented 4 months ago

avoid user submitted lyrics

Aren't they all user submitted? And if they're from some other source then a user had to submitted them to LRCLIB.

Dr-Blank commented 4 months ago

avoid user submitted lyrics

Aren't they all user submitted? And if they're from some other source then a user had to submitted them to LRCLIB.

check out #31

it used to only be fetched from MXM, later functionality to submit user lyrics was added in 0.2.1

NicholasFlamy commented 4 months ago

Ahh okay.