tranxuanthang / lrcget

Utility for mass-downloading LRC synced lyrics for your offline music library.
MIT License
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Embedding lyrics in file metadata #75

Open Batwam opened 1 month ago

Batwam commented 1 month ago


My understanding is that LRCGET currently only allows to save the lyrics as .lrc files. Is there any plan to enable saving to the file metadata directly? Apologies if this has been discussed but I couldn't find any related discussion.

Some apps like Navidrome only recognise embedded lyrics and having the data in the file makes sure it remains accessible even if the file is renamed. While people can write scripts to load the lyrics into the metadata, it would be neat if LRCGET had an option to either save as lrc or save as metadata?

tranxuanthang commented 1 month ago

This is actually on my TODO list, I just haven't had enough effort to implement it yet. It is a bit more complicated than it looks. I need some time to research how to embed the lyrics into each kind of file formats.

Also, embedding lyrics into the music files means mutating it, meaning there is a chance that the software corrupts the music files. Since there are some people run LRCGET on their huge (and probably valuable) music collection, we must implement this carefully.