tranxuanthang / lrcget

Utility for mass-downloading LRC synced lyrics for your offline music library.
MIT License
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Playback Hotkey is still being executed while looking up lyric #82

Closed nattadasu closed 1 month ago

nattadasu commented 1 month ago

It seems that hotkey event listener (implemented in fcfd2eae1daf5849e29d73f8d1be30526885c544) does not get disable in lyric lookup/search modal/popup.

Additionally, I found weird bug before I want to submit the issue related to this; the listener wasn't doing properly, it affected while editing the lyric too. But managed to "fix" it by simply restarting the app.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Update local music database
  2. Select random file, either unsync, sync, or none
  3. Open search modal
  4. Keysmash Space in text fields

Expected result

User is able to input whitespace without making the app plays/pauses the file

Actual result

System Info

tranxuanthang commented 1 month ago

I see, I remember I did fix it for lyrics editor modal, but I forgot the lyrics search one.

I will make a hotfix release, but I wonder if there is a global way to do this. For example, it should automatically disable hotkey detection when focusing on any kind of textbox.

tranxuanthang commented 1 month ago

I released the fix in 0.3.2 version. Could you help me verify it?

nattadasu commented 1 month ago

Aight, I've upgraded to and it works great now.

Thanks for the hotfix! 😄