tranxuanthang / lrcget

Utility for mass-downloading LRC synced lyrics for your offline music library.
MIT License
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Removing folder removes all folders below it #98

Open grrrrr opened 6 days ago

grrrrr commented 6 days ago

The logic in how folders are removed from the scanning directories section might be a bit off.


If you remove the top most folder in a list it removes everything below it but if you remove the bottom most folder it only removes that one folder


folder_1 X
folder_2 X
folder_3 X
folder_4 X

Select the X by folder 1 and folder 2, 3 and 4 also get removed

Select the X by folder 3 and folder 3 and 4 get removed

Select the X by folder 4 and only folder 4 gets removed.

Expected results

Clicking the X to remove a folder only removes that particular folder from the list