tranxuanthang / lrcget

Utility for mass-downloading LRC synced lyrics for your offline music library.
MIT License
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Please don't replace .txt files #99

Open Beckfield opened 5 days ago

Beckfield commented 5 days ago

I just heard about LRCGet and gave it a try. It's a very impressive app. The one problem I see, however, is that if I have existing untimed lyrics in a .txt file, LRCGet replaces it with the .lrc file without warning.

I tried setting the .txt file permissions to read-only, but that just prevents LRCGet from saving the lrc file at all. This is not very intuitive behavior.

I would prefer that LRCGet save the .lrc file alongside the existing .txt file. Maybe there could be an option to choose this behavior.

grrrrr commented 3 days ago

this is probably covered by #30