trapexit / mergerfs

a featureful union filesystem
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S3-Mount breaks after starting plex #1268

Open moooep opened 8 months ago

moooep commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug

I use rclone to create a gdrive mount and an S3 mount. Both mounts are stable. I would like to merge both mounts using mergerfs. However, this only works until I start Plex; after that, the merge breaks.

before starting plex: drwxrwxr-x 1 docker docker 0 Oct 21 22:14 mergerfs

after starting plex: d????????? ? ? ? ? ? mergerfs

Please be sure to use latest release of mergerfs to ensure the issue still exists. Not your distro's latest but the latest official release.

The master branch is not to be considered production ready. Feel free to file bug reports but do so indicating clearly that you are testing unreleased code.

To Reproduce

[Unit] Description=MergerFS Mount

[Service] Type=forking GuessMainPID=no ExecStart=/usr/bin/mergerfs \ /mnt/s3=RO:/mnt/gdrive=RO: /mnt/mergerfs

ExecStop=/bin/fusermount3 -uz /mnt/mergerfs Restart=on-failure


Expected behavior

Since I have only used it with gdrive mounts so far, and everything has worked very reliably, I expect the same from the S3 mount.

System information:

trapexit commented 8 months ago

Please provide all the details as requested. I really can't help otherwise. It isn't clear what is even breaking. Is mergerfs still running? rclone?

moooep commented 8 months ago

rclone mounts are still stable. the only part that "breaks" ist mergerfs which is still running because the gdrive part is still in there. but whats missing is the "s3-part".

if i only added the s3-mount to the mergerfs pool it brakes aswell.

I'm happy to provide any further information, but unfortunately, I don't know what that information might be.

moooep commented 8 months ago

thats my rclone settings btw

`[Unit] Description=rclone Daemon

[Service] Type=notify ExecStart=/usr/bin/rclone mount s3:media "/mnt/s3"\ --cache-dir=/mnt/rclone-cache/s3 \ --log-file=/mnt/rclone-logs/s3.log \ --log-level DEBUG \ --uid=1000 \ --gid=1000 \ --umask=002 \ --timeout=1h \ --fast-list \ --no-seek \ --async-read \ --dir-cache-time=8760h \ --attr-timeout=8760h \ --vfs-read-ahead=5M \ --transfers=10 \ --s3-chunk-size=32M \ --s3-disable-checksum \ --multi-thread-streams=32 \ --vfs-cache-poll-interval=15s \ --vfs-cache-mode=full \ --vfs-cache-max-age=24h \ --vfs-cache-max-size=180G \ --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit=1024M \ --vfs-read-chunk-size=32M \ --buffer-size=16M

ExecStop=/bin/umount -lf "/mnt/s3" > /dev/null TimeoutSec=60 User=0 Group=0 Restart=on-abort RestartSec=5 StartLimitInterval=60s StartLimitBurst=3


trapexit commented 8 months ago

I don't know what that information might be.

I describe it in the docs and in the ticket template: