tratda / superSnake

MIT License
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ReadMe #8

Open EvanLovesDonuts opened 6 years ago

EvanLovesDonuts commented 6 years ago

Your readme file does not tell me anything besides, 'Snake'....

tratda commented 6 years ago


EvanLovesDonuts commented 6 years ago

You should add one of these to your README, it is better than 'Snake'

See 'rattlesnake',cobra' and `jungle_book' for more !

Year of the snake :


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-=[ hugging snakes ]=- 9/97

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_/ ___ __/ / </ \/ Valerie Haecky

/ \ / \ Normand / /~\ \ / /~\ \ Veilleux

(o o) \ _/ / \ _/ / __/ \ / \ / | ~~~ ~~ ^

                 ___     ____________
            <<<((__O\   (__<>___<>__ \   ____     Don't get rattled by
                   \ \_(__<>___<>__)\O\_/O___>-<  what I say. It's just

-Steven Whatley- \O<>__<><>)___/ my opinion.

Jennifer E. Swofford

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A Snake . . . _/_/\/`' -Thomas Dorf Nielsen-

          /\|   |/\         Just something I put together quickly,
         |-- \_/ --|         the snake man with a hood, reminiscent of
      .-----/   \-----.      a cobra, and his leathery underbelly
     /   ,   . .   ,   \      along the face since I wasn't
    /  /`|    |    |'\, \       sure how he should look.  Hands on the
    `\ \  \-  |  -/  /`/'     side because he doesn't know what else to
      `\\_)`-- --'(_//           do at the moment...*grin*
        |_|`-- --'|_|  _______     (you can use this space for sig info)
         ,'`-   -'`.,-'       `-.
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       |\---------/`|    .--.       `----'   ___--.`--.
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                                               Philip Kaulfuss

--/ | / / /| / ~' `.,---' </ _/ _/ _,/ <_/<__ Serpents in the `\ ,--._/ // // /__,----,/~ slithey toves. | (0) /' |/ _/ _/ \ _ \ | | \^>-=


      |^| a siggy snake for signatures and the like   /\
      | |____________________________________________/ /

pjb -Peter Bier-

 ( (              -Peter Bier-

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  __|_|__  -starker-
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from: 2569 (made for white on black)


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