trautonen / coveralls-maven-plugin

Maven plugin for submitting Java code coverage reports to Coveralls web service.
MIT License
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Spam in coveralls report #89

Open nielsdebruin opened 8 years ago

nielsdebruin commented 8 years ago

I have configure the plugin using the example provided (cobertura) everything works fine when I generate and publish the report to coveralls from my on my local machine. However when I publish to Travis Pro I am getting random commit messages from other repos. I did regenerate the key a couple times (which is private) but that didn't seem to help. I just cant figure out what is wrong.

trautonen commented 8 years ago

Never heard before of such issue with git logs. I haven't tested Travis Pro so cannot say much about it.

The plugin tries to resolve git metadata by looking ${project.basedir} and uses JGit's findGitDir method to look directories up from the basedir until it finds valid git metadata for a repository.

I'm not sure if custom project/repository layout can mess up the repository lookup logic. I use git submodules with the plugin itself and it still works correctly and finds the main project's git repository.

aracioppibroad commented 8 years ago

Facing the same issue. When I publish to travis-pro, coveralls doesn't pull the information from travis-pro but from travis-ci. And then the committer and the commit messages are all wrong, they aren't even related to the GitHub repository I'm building.

If I can find a workaround I'll get back to the question.

v4ngelo commented 8 years ago

It was easy to fix, it seems. You need to specify the service-name to coveralls (I had to do that, with nodejs, per example). There's nothing wrong with your repo-token. If it helps you, I have the repo token setup in my Travis settings (coveralls_repo_token).

Branch, committer info and commit messages seem to be correct:


org.eluder.coveralls coveralls-maven-plugin 4.1.0 ${env.coveralls_repo_token} travis-pro `
amc6 commented 7 years ago

I was having the same problem. Adding <serviceName>travis-pro</serviceName> seemed to fix it though.