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Assertion failure during replay of SGF file created by Android app Gridmaster #3

Open traveller42 opened 8 years ago

traveller42 commented 8 years ago

From a Bug Report by Kees Mills on 28 Nov 2015 received via the gnugo-devel mailing list.

Android app GridMaster Free:0.26 is the source of the SGF used for the replay. Inspection shows only three (3) in the file. This is also no trailing newline. The first line is over 4096 characters long.

Issue was found in version 3.8 and is also present in the current tip on Savanna. User found initially on Windows 10 and reproduced it on Linux (ARM).

traveller42 commented 8 years ago

Need to verify SGF specification.

Also need to compare handling of this file in the other SGF tools on hand.

traveller42 commented 8 years ago

The specification for SGF version 4 says that any length of text is legal.

I need to repeat the failure in my environment. I then need to see if adding newlines to the file between nodes will result in a clean read.

traveller42 commented 8 years ago

Reported error reproduced locally with supplied file.

Line length does not appear to be related to the reported error.

Testing with a newline before every move gave the same result as the original file.

Analysis of the original file show some issue with handling of handicap (not investigated in any manner). It appears that the error is at the end of the left-most branch of the tree (assuming child nodes are added left to right). The location appears to be the same as an existing stone. Reading the source SGF in CGoban3 shows a series of dead branches (possibly the result of a mis-click and undo).

traveller42 commented 8 years ago

Program should not abend regardless of the file used.