travi / dotfiles

My disaster recovery plan.
21 stars 6 forks source link

shellcheck #91

Open travi opened 9 years ago

travi commented 9 years ago
travi commented 9 years ago

introduced issues on windows

this is a gitbash issue:

\033[1;33mLinking dotfiles directory\033[0m
  [ \033[1;34m..\033[0m ] /c/Users/mtravi/.dotfiles already linked

\033[1;33mWhich setup step(s) would you like to perform?\033[0m
        1: Environment configuration
        2: Software Installation/Update
        3: Both

Please enter your choice: 1

\033[1;33mLink Dotfiles\033[0m
sh.exe": cannot make pipe for process substitution: Function not implemented
sh.exe": cannot make pipe for process substitution: Function not implemented
sh.exe": <(find "${DOTFILES_LINK}/" -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -name '\.*' -not -path '*/.dotfiles//\.*' -not -path '*.DS_Store' -print0): ambiguous redirect

\033[1;33mExtending Maven\033[0m
sh.exe": cannot make pipe for process substitution: Function not implemented
sh.exe": cannot make pipe for process substitution: Function not implemented
sh.exe": <(find "${DOTFILES_LINK}/maven/extensions" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -print0): ambiguous redirect

the error at the end is related to gitbash's lack of support for process substitution:

the ansi characters are a result of the printf changes i made, which are not a problem on systems that support tput