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Dashboard: Focus on the Repositories you care most about #5

Open joshk opened 7 years ago

joshk commented 7 years ago

When @lislis joined, we started planning an updated UI which would help users focus on the Repositories which they care most about.

This is especially useful for teams which have a growing number of Repositories testing on Travis. Additionally, it brings consistency to our UI when viewing Builds across various screen sizes.

We have further iterations of this feature in planning, but we want to hear from you on what works well, what needs improvement, and what could be removed.

This feature will be available for users to opt-in to from the 28th of February.

Please leave all feedback related to this feature here as comments.

joshk commented 7 years ago

@kaizhu256 Hi, is this feature request specific to the Dashboard?

kaizhu256 commented 7 years ago

@joshk the badge is for both dashboard and current page. sorry to everyone if this is extra noise ^^;;;

fulldecent commented 7 years ago

I do not like this new feature because it does not show the latest build results by default. This is usually the first thing I'm looking for when I log in.

fulldecent commented 7 years ago

I would like this more if it showed build status for multiple branches for my favorite repositories. This is what I need to get to. Currently this is ONE click away. Beta requires multiple clicks.

Qix- commented 7 years ago

The quick "add repository" button from the previous side bar is gone, and it's not at all obvious to see how to add repositories. I still can't see how.

joshk commented 7 years ago

@Qix- You can go to your profile settings and enable repositories there. Once the Repository is enabled, it will show up in the Dashboard.

Qix- commented 7 years ago

The number one most frequent thing I do in Travis other than look at build results is add repositories. Not having it available ASAP (now it requires a few more clicks) was enough for me to revert back. I add repositories frequently enough that it was really nice to be able to, at a glance, see recently built repos and then hit the + button all in one spot.

joshk commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @Qix-, this issue is being addressed soon.

ljharb commented 7 years ago

it seems like the new beta dashboard doesn’t consider a repo an “active repository” unless i’m an admin on it - even though i’m a collab and can toggle all the other switches

Since “manage a different individual’s repo” is a scenario where being an admin is impossible, how can i get creationix/nvm, in this example, to show up on my dashboard?

momter092791 commented 7 years ago

derekstavis commented 7 years ago

Hey, I just got out of new dashboard and went back to old one. The feature I missed was the "Running" tab that listed all the builds currently running, something important when I need to cancel all currently runnning builds to make room for other builds.

blackstar257 commented 7 years ago

Its slow for me

SuzanneSoy commented 7 years ago

As noted by @mtoothman, long repo names cause layout issues (the elements following repos with a long name are shifted to the right, outside of the enclosing box).

Here's a screenshot of my dashboard (user jsmaniac)


lislis commented 7 years ago

Hey people, small update: The Dashboard now offers a pagination navigation so you can access repos beyond the first 100

geerlingguy commented 7 years ago

Tested and it works! Now I have access to star all the repositories I need to, and the dashboard is about 1,000 times more useful. Thanks!

One note on the feature—the starred repos don't appear at the top until you refresh the page. It would be even better if as you star them, they'd appear at the top, saving a refresh to verify the starring actually worked.

carlad commented 7 years ago

@LefterisJP and @bsipocz wanted to let you know that it's now possible to 'star' repositories when a user has pull access. Thanks for the feedback on this.

bsipocz commented 7 years ago

Thansk @carlad! However I still stick to the non-dashboard version as the sidebar with the running builds are extremely useful.

sahlouls commented 7 years ago

Logs area too small.

j3mdamas commented 7 years ago

Hey! I have a suggestion that I posted on issue #24. Do you think it's interesting?

nickserv commented 7 years ago

@j3mdamas That sort of feature would be great for a dashboard, especially when I'm contributing to someone else's project and I want to see the status along with all my other projects.

carlad commented 7 years ago

@nickmccurdy & @j3mdamas It's already possible to star a repo if you have a minimum of read/pull access to it. So if you are pushing to that repo you should be able to star it.

An issue might be finding the repo, as the dashboard doesn't have a good search function yet.

There is a workaround by making a curl request using v3 of our API.

Details of how to do that can be found in our developer documentation: (you'll need to be logged in to Travis CI view this).

In short, you can make a post request using the repository slug: /repo/{repository.slug}/star

A curl request would look like this:

curl -X POST -H "Travis-API-Version: 3" -H "Authorization: token xxxx"

Please note the encoding that's required for the repo slug: %2F instead of /

You'll need to include your Travis token, which is displayed-on-mouse-over on the Explorer page of our documentation:

Let us know how you go with this...

nickserv commented 7 years ago

@carlad Neat thanks, can I can star a repository that I submitted a pull request to (which has at least one build on the original repository) but don't have general push access to? Also I'm fine with starring repositories manually on the website instead of doing it programatically.

carlad commented 7 years ago

You'll need 'read' aka 'pull' access. This is configured on the organization level on GitHub I believe. It's not possible at the moment to star a repository via the UI that doesn't appear in your dashboard. Have you tried making a curl request? If you have pull access it will allow you to star the repo.

j3mdamas commented 7 years ago

@carlad thanks, it's working now!

vtamara commented 7 years ago

Great feature! Thank you. Blessings.

groenborg commented 7 years ago

This is a very nice feature indeed :) Great work!! 👍


our organisation has a lot of repositories ~250, and I also have a stack of personal ones. It would be nice if you could filter your repositories so personal project are the only ones shown, or maybe separated the repositories, so each organization have their own list, and your personal projects are in their own list.

tofu-rocketry commented 7 years ago

I generally approve of the changes though on the proviso that most of the suggestions here also get incorporated.

In reference to @blimmer's suggestion to remove starred repositories from the "All" list and @joshk's reply that that might give an inconsistent UX: Would a solution be to remove the section headings (starred, all) and display every repository in the same list, merely promoting starred repositories to the top of it?

This would save space and should address the UX concern. There are other places this pattern is used, e.g. pinning emails in promotes them to the top of the inbox.

mklinke commented 7 years ago

I like the overall dashboard approach. However, I can't find the build queue. Is it still missing from the dashboard view?

alcohol commented 7 years ago

Sad to see the design is far from responsive. More than 50% whitespace on most of my monitors. Also really missing an overview of the current build queue. Cannot find my way to it from the new dashboard layout (if it is even available).

nijikokun commented 7 years ago

I would love to see something more in-depth such as the branches view where you can see the past x builds status.

screen shot 2017-10-19 at 11 58 53 am

I feel something like this would increase visibility a lot.

EmSyndio commented 7 years ago

i don't especially like the 'dashboard' feature: I usually already shrink my screen zoom to 50% to be able to scan through the logs quickly.

what would be much more useful is to narrow down to the errors / failures (i.e. some kind of diff from previous run that would only show where things changed )

Bilge commented 7 years ago

The new dashboard itself is OK but I dislike that I lose my repository overview from the left when viewing a specific repository because it's often useful to see what else is going on, especially if another repository begins a build.

urbanslug commented 7 years ago

I like the new UI I really do but please put back the other builds list on the left to see other builds and quickly navigate to them which viewing a specific build.

elTiempoVuela commented 7 years ago


rye commented 6 years ago

I really like's "running" view—I wish we had something like that in the dashboard. Not just "what's the latest build that's running" but an overview of all currently-active builds.

blimmer commented 6 years ago

The thing that finally made me switch back to the old view is the ability to see the number of running builds. We're paying by "number max concurrent builds", but that's not exposed anywhere in the new UI. It really needs to be accessible somewhere.

mariusvniekerk commented 6 years ago

Adding a filter/search would make it much easier for organizations that have many builds

nahtnam commented 6 years ago

Love the new dashboard UI. Looks really clean.

Vilaiuk commented 6 years ago


akyoto commented 6 years ago

Love the dashboard. Great addition.

nickserv commented 6 years ago

I installed Travis from GitHub Marketplace (so I can migrate from .org in the future), accidentally enabled all repositories, and disabled most of them. Now Travis incorrectly displays the paginator for the same number of pages of repositories I used to have, even though it only shows my two current repositories now. image image

carlad commented 6 years ago

Hey @nickmccurdy - thanks for the info. Can you contacting our support team about this? Include all the details of your issue:

El-Fitz commented 6 years ago

One other thing that was great about the side bar is that the colored bar on the left of each repository made it easy to quickly figure out wether or not it was passing and which repos were failing.

Their status really stood out in a clean, simple and none-invasive manner. Washed out light red or green text in a sea of white just isn't as flagrant.

(I do like the new dashboard though. It looks great)

felikscat commented 6 years ago

I'm really on big impress how it's looks today everything. You are awesome with your knowledge and patient. Good job.