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GitHub-Pages Intregration: local-dir - Value causes empty deploy #1015

Closed Basti890 closed 7 years ago

Basti890 commented 7 years ago

Hello, I'm experimenting with automatically deploy of javadocs via travis. After successfully generating the javadocs (default: ./target/site/apidocs), i wanted to deploy them to he docs-folder of my repository-root. But instead of deploying the application with the javadocs , only 2 empty are deployed!

here is my travis.iml and here ist waht travis deployes:

The feature GitHub-Pages integration is awesome, but as user I expect the following behavior with maven:

  1. generate javadocs to target/site/apidocs
  2. copy the content to the docs-folder in repository-root.
  3. push -force the contet eather only the docs-folder and or all except the target-folder (as a custom destination for GitHub-Pages is set up.

Maybe I have just a configuration error, but there is no example configuration with all the functions used. like described in:

Basti890 commented 7 years ago

This issue is solved as I just miss understood the documentation.