travis-ci / travis-yaml

parses, normalizes, validates and serializes your .travis.yml
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addons -> apt parsing returning errors #58

Open grooverdan opened 9 years ago

grooverdan commented 9 years ago

Taking an example from

    - deadsnakes
    - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test

Enter into


value for addons section is empty, dropping
in addons section: unexpected key apt, dropping
mauritsvanrees commented 9 years ago

I see the same. I am trying to follow the directions from That means a .travis.yml like this:

sudo: false
language: python
    - deadsnakes
    - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
    - cmake
    - time

Enter this at and you get the same errors as above:

So I now have no idea how to migrate from legacy to container based infrastructure if I need extra apt packages.

moylop260 commented 8 years ago

I have same issue

mauritsvanrees commented 8 years ago

I had this problem too. But note that Travis itself may run just fine even when the linter at fails. See the issue linked just above this comment. In my case I failed to notice that I was changing this:

  - sudo apt-get install git-svn
# Several lines of comments
  - pip install stuff

into this:

    - git-svn
# Several lines of comments
  - pip install stuff

I had removed the before_install section because I did not notice it did more than just apt-get install stuff. It should have been this:

    - git-svn
# Several lines of comments
  - pip install stuff

So: double check that there are no problems in the lines after the addons. And: yes, the linter still needs to be fixed.

saroele commented 8 years ago


baelter commented 8 years ago


schasse commented 8 years ago


Marqin commented 8 years ago


shikloshi commented 8 years ago


Elyasin commented 8 years ago


jeffshek commented 8 years ago


thunky-monk commented 8 years ago


sxlijin commented 7 years ago


szepeviktor commented 7 years ago

@grooverdan Have you seen a PR for this issue?

grooverdan commented 7 years ago

@szepeviktor , no.

tconroy commented 7 years ago

Also running into this issue. Seems to build fine but the linter error is a bit unnerving.

ArneBachmann commented 7 years ago

Was also wasting time on that, after I pushed an invalid .travis.yml. Why would travis ci recommend a linter that doesn't conform to their own processes? I checked other projects that were green, but contained the same "illegal" constructs that the linter complained about. This way it's a add/commit/push trial-and-error that disturbs the timeline of my project, instead of using the linter for that.

DonRichards commented 7 years ago

If the linter isn't accurate, that makes it useless. Is this something that is going to be fixed or is the linter deprecated?

asolopovas commented 7 years ago


kryptonat commented 7 years ago


szepeviktor commented 7 years ago

@solarce Could you solve this for us?

ghost commented 7 years ago

I think it would be helpful to document this in the instructions page so as to not mislead users.

elamperti commented 7 years ago

Same issue here, using code copied from documentation. Linter should be updated

EricBoix commented 7 years ago


fcastilloec commented 7 years ago


amessing commented 7 years ago


Artox commented 7 years ago


joachimwolff commented 7 years ago

Please update it! Two (!) years passed and there is no fix for this issue.

szepeviktor commented 7 years ago

@meatballhat Could you help us?

mohammed-ibrahim commented 7 years ago


dansteele commented 7 years ago


ghost commented 6 years ago


Zulu-Inuoe commented 6 years ago


chtzvt commented 6 years ago

Just ran into this issue, myself. +1

mdziurla commented 6 years ago


isaachier commented 6 years ago


onomojo commented 6 years ago

There's a PR for this already and it was created almost 3 years ago. Does no one over at TravisCI actually maintain this anymore? How does your executable syntax even deviate from what passes on the linter? Do you not have a process in place that has it updated when the format changes go into effect? Isn't that sort of like just not writing tests in a sense? Since the yaml isn't accurate, the linter isn't either. You would do the community a service by at least not promoting a linter in the docs when its been broken for years now. People tend to believe the things you publish in your docs.

carmat88 commented 6 years ago


carlad commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the comments all and apologies for the very slow response.

We've been working on a new yml parsing library, travis-yml, which we are slowly rolling out at the moment. This has meant that we've slowed down support here.

We're currently testing the new library on our own repos, and there are still many things that need to be ironed out, but if you'd like to opt in to using the 'alpha' stage of this new library in your travis builds, then please contact

We've also turned off our lint/WebLint tool for now, and removed reference to it from our docs.