travisgoodspeed / goodwatch

Replacement board for Casio Calculator Watches using the CC430F6147
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Codeplug Support #50

Closed travisgoodspeed closed 6 years ago

travisgoodspeed commented 6 years ago

Now that the radio is functional, we need a method to choose the operating frequency with VFO and a codeplug. Close this issue when we internally have a codeplug in the 512 bytes of Info Flash at 0x1800.

Because we are so strictly limited in size, we should keep things as small as possible. Channel names will be 8 bytes, because that's the size of the display. 3 bytes of the frequency in the radio's native format, one byte for flags allows for 42 channels. Unused channels should be filled with 0xFF, not null.

Modulation, packet len, etc are left to the application. They will not be included in the codeplug entry.