travisgoodspeed / goodwatch

Replacement board for Casio Calculator Watches using the CC430F6147
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EnergyTrace Records #98

Closed travisgoodspeed closed 5 years ago

travisgoodspeed commented 5 years ago

The fine folks behind the Pluto Watch wrote a nice little EnergyTrace tool for Linux, that would allow us to record the power usage of the GoodWatch while running various applications, to measure and compare their current consumption. Close this issue when nice tooling exists for running energy traces, as well as documentation of expected current consumption in various situations.

Self assigning. Hardware has been ordered.

travisgoodspeed commented 5 years ago

After my order being lost by the my.ti website, it finally arrived today.

travisgoodspeed commented 5 years ago


Minimal tracing of power consumption now works. The initial commit requires my fork of energytrace-util until is merged.

travisgoodspeed commented 5 years ago

Documentation is in the Wiki, and it looks like we get just under two years of battery life on a clean board if you have the self restraint not to use the radio.

et 60 > energytrace.txt #This will take a minute.
gnuplot energytrace.gnuplot
gnuplot energytrace-txt.gnuplot

                               GoodWatch Current Consumption                   

         1e-05 +-----------------------------------------------------------+   
               |           +           +           +           +           |   
               |                                 "energytrace.txt" ******* |   
         8e-06 |-+                                                       +-|   
               |      **********                                           |   
               |      *        *                                           |   
               |*******        *                         **********       *|   
         6e-06 |-+             *                **********        *      +*|   
               |               *        *********                 *       *|   
               |               **********                         *       *|   
         4e-06 |-+                                                *********|   
               |                                                           |   
               |                                                           |   
               |                                                           |   
         2e-06 |-+                                                       +-|   
               |                                                           |   
               |           +           +           +           +           |   
             0 +-----------------------------------------------------------+   
               20          21          22          23          24          25  

../bin/ <energytrace.txt
5.825243 µA average consumption
23.500366 months of CR2016 battery life.