travisgoodspeed / md380tools

Python tools and patched firmware for the TYT-MD380
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Feature request : An instructional Youtube video of how to get latest github fw and update the radio. #239

Closed geiraage closed 7 years ago

geiraage commented 8 years ago

Hello Travis and other contributors to this project.

This is probably one of the most interesting projects for DMR enthusiasts at the moment. And I know there is a quite good windows-instructions.txt in the root directory.

I was wondering if someone could make an instructional video from start to end how to get the latest version from Github? With that I mean

How to Install needed windows software. How to clone current repository. How to update firmware from that updated repository to the radio.

I think this will boost the interest of using firmware. Especially for us noobs. I know this is not actually a feature nor issue, but still I think its a good idea.

If you do a search on YouTube, you will find 2 videos of interest.

How to update TYT MD-380 normal or hacked firmware! (1 yr old)

This video is using the official firmware ver. 2.0 from 22 of april 2016. Found different places on the net.

And a presentation of the MD380Tool firmware TYT MD-380 Firmware Saar Edition

aeickho commented 8 years ago

I add @ladyada to this issue.... ;)

Maybe she has fun to make a new video.

I can't help with supporting windows installation, my knowledge is not enough.

.And also we have no automatic continually testing like travis-cv for windows.

From Göttingen Alex df8av

ladyada commented 8 years ago

hiya - ive found for such complex work, a video isn't always best (and of course can't be udpated as urls and other stuff changes)

check out my written guides which ought to be up to date and for the tools

lukicweb commented 8 years ago

If posible record video for android md380 tools.

Thank you.

travisgoodspeed commented 8 years ago

The android tools are not yet ready for public use. I'll do an open beta when they are, but until then, only developers should mess with it.