trayo / vim-ginkgo-snippets

Ginkgo Snippets for Vim
MIT License
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Add UltiSnips support #1

Open trayo opened 8 years ago

trayo commented 8 years ago

UltiSnips is another snippet package for Vim. The current snippets need to be written in UltiSnip format and placed in an UltiSnip folder next to the snippets folder.

ooesili commented 7 years ago

So, it seems like these already work with UltiSnips. I think UltiSnips will read snipmate syntax if the file is in the snippets directory, and will use UltiSnips syntax if the file is in the UltiSnips directory. The only problem I'm getting is that it's picking up the blank lines used to separate the sections in the file. For example context<TAB> expands to this:

Context("", func() {
