Closed scobby closed 7 years ago
I can't reproduce this error.
This is the situation?: A scene turns one light on and the other one off. If i dim the off light on, it doesn't stay on.
Please turn debug on and post the logging messages for these request.
Here is the log:
debug [pimatic-tradfri]: ON/OFF: 0, brightness: 1 23:30:25debug [pimatic-tradfri]: New device values received for kueche-2 23:30:25debug [pimatic-tradfri]: ON/OFF: 0, brightness: 0 23:30:25debug [pimatic-tradfri]: New device values received for kueche-2 23:30:25debug [pimatic-tradfri]: ON/OFF: 1, brightness: 0 23:30:25debug [pimatic-tradfri]: New device values received for kueche-2 23:30:25debug [pimatic-tradfri]: { state: 1, brightness: 0 } 23:30:25debug [pimatic-tradfri]: New value send to device
when in this state it always gets directly off. only when i change the dimmer, it operates normal again.
i defined a scene "off" where all lamps are at 0% (only option in tradfri app)
I found a bug. But I don't know if it depends with this problem. Can you post more log message ....beginning with the scene change And with the send messages
Update 0.1.11 should fix the error. But i couldn't reproduce this problem. Please check it....
If the error occurs again, I re-open the ticket again.
if a dimmer of a light is set to 0 from scene and i switch it in the frontend or via rule on, the light turns on and after 1 seconds it goes off.
if i switch the light to 10% and turn it off and on again, no problems