trebledawson / chess

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Train with white to move #7

Open brianprichardson opened 6 years ago

brianprichardson commented 6 years ago

Input plane 14 can be removed if the board is flipped when black is on move, and the network would not have to learn everything for both sides (nor equally). Castle rights and 50 move counter might be fairly important to include, however.

trebledawson commented 6 years ago

I omitted castling rights from the features stack intentionally; I wanted to provide as little information to the network as possible. I know that AlphaZero provided castling rights, but I did not see that paper until I was (mostly) finished with this project. Perhaps in the future I may add that plane.

Draw condition planes are indeed important, and I should have included them.

I did not make the board feature inputs agnostic to player color via rotation and reflection because the rules of chess are not invariant under those transformations.