treblereel / three4g

Three.js for GWT
Apache License 2.0
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GLTFLoader ClassCastException #158

Open tugalsan opened 4 years ago

tugalsan commented 4 years ago


First, Thank you for the big work on creating three4g. If I can able to use 3D in web using java, It will open me a new playground to freely live in :P

I am reading from threejs documentations that i should focus on gltf loader, not others. For that reason...

I am trying to load a gltf file, for a month long. Whatever file i use, i am getting the same error. Is it possible that there is an error in library?

Console-With Error Message:

THREE.WebGLRenderer 102
PROGRESS.loadGLTF: true/4964/4964
ONLOAD.loadGLTF.o: [object Object]
app-0.js:216 ONLOAD.loadGLTF.o is not Object3D
app-0.js:216 ONLOAD.loadGLTF.mileStone1
app-0.js:216 ERROR.loadGLTF: Error: java.lang.ClassCastException

Simple Debug Function

    public static native void d(String text) /*-{

Simple GLTF loader function:

    public void loadGLTF(Scene scene, String url) {
        OnLoadCallback olc = new OnLoadCallback() {
            public void onLoad(Object o) {
                d("ONLOAD.loadGLTF.o: " + o);
                if (!(o instanceof Object3D)) {
                    d("ONLOAD.loadGLTF.o is not Object3D");
                Object3D o3d = (Object3D) o;
                Scene obj = o3d.getProperty("scene");
        OnProgressCallback opc = new OnProgressCallback() {
            public void onProgress(OnProgressEvent ope) {
                d("PROGRESS.loadGLTF: " + ope.lengthComputable + "/" + ope.loaded + "/" +;
        OnErrorCallback oec = new OnErrorCallback() {
            public void onError(PropertyHolder e) {
                d("ERROR.loadGLTF: " + e.toString());
        GLTFLoader loader = new GLTFLoader();
        loader.load(url, olc, opc, oec);
    final public static String URL_GLTF_Box = "http://localhost:8080/three4g-demo-0.102/models/gltf/JME/box/box.gltf";
    final public static String URL_GLTF_Duck = "http://localhost:8080/three4g-demo-0.102/models/gltf/JME/duck/Duck.gltf";
    final public static String URL_GLTF_DamagedHelmet = "http://localhost:8080/three4g-demo-0.102/models/gltf/DamagedHelmet/glTF/DamagedHelmet.gltf";
    final public static String URL_GLTF_Matilda = "http://localhost:8080/three4g-demo-0.102/models/gltf/matilda/scene.gltf";
    final public static String URL_GLB_Horse = "http://localhost:8080/3js/examples/models/gltf/Horse.glb";


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">



        <!-- -->


        <!-- -->

        <!-- -->
        <!-- -->

            <version>1.0.0-RC1</version><!-- 1.0.0-RC1 vrda sorun çıkarıyor -->




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">





                    <version>3.8.0</version><!-- Do not upgrade past 3.1 to avoid triggering -->
                    <version>2.2</version><!--tomcat7 2.2 is buggy!!! use 2.1 if necessary-->
treblereel commented 4 years ago

@tugalsan i ll take a look next week. you can speedup my work by adding a link to the reproducer Thanks for your feedback.

tugalsan commented 4 years ago

Please reproduce the error with this, when you have free time.

treblereel commented 4 years ago

@tugalsan i am sorry, but i can't run your demo, because of missed deps. Which model are you trying to load ? As i can see you are trying to cast Object to Object3D, but object isn't Object3D (app-0.js:216 ONLOAD.loadGLTF.o is not Object3D)

take a look at

please proved me some details

treblereel commented 4 years ago

hmm, i am working on update to 103 and looks like i can reproduce this issue ...

treblereel commented 4 years ago

@tugalsan could you try something like :

        loader.load("models/gltf/LittlestTokyo.glb", object -> {
          Scene scene = Js.uncheckedCast(Js.asPropertyMap(object).get("scene"));

          DomGlobal.console.log("isScene " + scene.isScene);
tugalsan commented 4 years ago

I will do it today... and report back to you

tugalsan commented 4 years ago

@tugalsan could you try something like :

        loader.load("models/gltf/LittlestTokyo.glb", object -> {
          Scene scene = Js.uncheckedCast(Js.asPropertyMap(object).get("scene"));

          DomGlobal.console.log("isScene " + scene.isScene);

@treblereel treblereel Thanks for the fix. I can now load gltf files. Here is the code update

treblereel commented 4 years ago

take a look at updated demos :

tugalsan commented 4 years ago

@treblereel. It is true. I mixed up examples to use DracoLoader to load drc files and using DracoLoader to load gltf files.

By looking the example code:

Here is the working source code to load LittlestTokyo.glb with DracoLoader addon.

import jsinterop.base.Js;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.core.PropertyHolder;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.extensions.loaders.DRACOLoader;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.extensions.loaders.DRACOLoaderDecoderConfig;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.extensions.loaders.GLTFLoader;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.extensions.resources.TK_3JSResourceUtils;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.geometries.BoxBufferGeometry;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.helpers.GridHelper;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.loaders.CubeTextureLoader;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.loaders.OnErrorCallback;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.loaders.OnLoadCallback;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.loaders.OnProgressCallback;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.loaders.OnProgressEvent;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.loaders.TextureLoader;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.materials.MeshBasicMaterial;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.math.Color;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.objects.Mesh;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.scenes.Scene;
import org.treblereel.gwt.three4g.textures.CubeTexture;

public class TK_3JSModel {//MODEL LOADERS

    public TK_3JSModel(TK_3JSProgramAbstract program) {

            DRACOLoaderDecoderConfig dlc = new DRACOLoaderDecoderConfig();
            dlc.type = "js";

    public void d(String s) {

    public void loadGLTF(Scene scene, String url, boolean isLoaderDraco) {
        d("ONLOAD.loadGLTF.url: [" + url + "]");
        OnLoadCallback olc = new OnLoadCallback() {
            public void onLoad(Object o) {
                d("ONLOAD.loadGLTF.onLoad.start.url: [" + url + "]");
                Scene sceneGLTF = Js.uncheckedCast(Js.asPropertyMap(o).get("scene"));
                d("isScene " + sceneGLTF.isScene);
                d("ONLOAD.loadGLTF.onLoad.end.url: [" + url + "]");
        OnProgressCallback opc = new OnProgressCallback() {
            public void onProgress(OnProgressEvent ope) {
                d("PROGRESS.loadGLTF: " + ope.lengthComputable + "/" + ope.loaded + "/" +;
        OnErrorCallback oec = new OnErrorCallback() {
            public void onError(PropertyHolder e) {
                d("ERROR.loadGLTF: " + e.toString());
        GLTFLoader loader = new GLTFLoader();
        if (isLoaderDraco) {
            DRACOLoader dl = new DRACOLoader();
        loader.load(url, olc, opc, oec);
    final public static String URL_GLTF_LittlestTokyo = "http://localhost:8080/AutoSQLWeb/models/gltf/Three4G/LittlestTokyo.glb";
    final public static String URL_GLTF_Flamingo = "http://localhost:8080/AutoSQLWeb/models/gltf/Three4G/Flamingo.glb";
    final public static String URL_GLTF_Horse = "http://localhost:8080/AutoSQLWeb/models/gltf/Three4G/Horse.glb";

(sorry, for some reason I cannot upload the updated project again)

tugalsan commented 4 years ago

To summarize, not to get ClassCastException, until it is fixed, one has to implement a "FIX_ON_LOAD_Object3D".

1) if one wanna set material.envMap, one should fix it like below (this happened when loading

TK_3JSModel->lazyload()->TraverseCallback tcb_envMap = new TraverseCallback()
                    if (FIX_ON_LOAD_Object3D) {
                        Object oMaterial = Js.asPropertyMap(o3d).get("material");
                        MeshStandardMaterial material = Js.uncheckedCast(oMaterial);
                    } else {
                        MeshStandardMaterial material = o3d.getProperty("material");

2) if one wanna get Object3D.scene, one should fix it like below (this happens all the time):

TK_3JSModel->lazyload()->OnLoadCallback olc = new OnLoadCallback() 
                Object oScene;
                if (o instanceof Object3D) {
                    Object3D o3d = (Object3D) o;
                    oScene = o3d.getProperty("scene");
                } else if (FIX_ON_LOAD_Object3D) {
                    oScene = Js.asPropertyMap(o).get("scene");
                Scene sniffedScene = Js.uncheckedCast(oScene);

3) if one wanna get Object3D.animations, one should fix it like below (this happens when loading LittlestTokyo.glb):

TK_3JSModel->lazyload()->OnLoadCallback olc = new OnLoadCallback() 
                    if (o instanceof Object3D) {
                        Object3D o3d = (Object3D) o;
                        AnimationClip[] animationClips = o3d.getProperty("animations");
                    } else if (FIX_ON_LOAD_Object3D) {
                        Object oAnimations = Js.asPropertyMap(o).get("animations");
                        AnimationClip[] animationClips = Js.uncheckedCast(oAnimations);

Here is an example code: (Updated, now animations play with same speed) threeJS (20200711) image

treblereel commented 4 years ago

@tugalsan thanks! but the way, whick gwt version are you using and are you going to switch to j2cl ? (which is awesome)

tugalsan commented 4 years ago

@treblereel my gwt version is 2.9.0.

I would love to switch to j2cl. But two steps I have to deal with....

1) Elemental2: It took me litterlly one month to understand how to use elemental2 dom in your demo project. Even once I gave up three4g, and then return back, because there is actually no other rival to this library that I know of. Some how, I did able to combine my gwt project and elemental2 dom side by side.

2) I do not have any experience coding j2cl. I need to study it first. How I wish there is an migration tutorial for it... Actually I should search for it... Or should I wait for GWT3, which will force me to use j2cl anyway....

treblereel commented 4 years ago

@tugalsan i have ported gwt-widgets to j2cl so you can use elemental2 and widgets. there is j2cl-maven-plugin which allow you to compile and run your existing gwt2 code using j2cl and closure compiler, so you can try it. We have a great community at gitter, so you can join it and discuss any topics like j2cl, elemental2 and so on

tugalsan commented 4 years ago

I would love to. I had a dream, to code a simple 3d world editor by my self. Now that I learned clonning things, threeJS looks so juicy.

Are you sure people wanna help me (?). As I cannot even compile the pure "gwt-resources-master" project, I feel so stupid. Issue