tree-sitter / py-tree-sitter

Python bindings to the Tree-sitter parsing library
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Walking Syntax Trees #33

Closed celsofranssa closed 7 months ago

celsofranssa commented 4 years ago

I am currently using the following method to walk the tree:

def traverse(tree):
    def _traverse(node):

        for child in node.children:


How could someone do the same using TreeCursor?

issue-label-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

Issue Label Bot is not confident enough to auto-label this issue. See dashboard for more details.

sogaiu commented 4 years ago

Elsewhere a similar question was asked and I think one of the suggestions was to look at:

The code mentioned above does a bit more than what is asked in this issue, and perhaps the following version is closer to the request:

def make_move(cursor, move, fn):
    # think of the parameter "move" as the move that was made to
    # arrive at the present node
    if (move == "down"):
        if (cursor.goto_first_child()):
            make_move(cursor, "down", fn)
        elif (cursor.goto_next_sibling()):
            make_move(cursor, "right", fn)
        elif (cursor.goto_parent()):
            make_move(cursor, "up", fn)
    elif (move == "right"):
        if (cursor.goto_first_child()):
            make_move(cursor, "down", fn)
        elif (cursor.goto_next_sibling()):
            make_move(cursor, "right", fn)
        elif (cursor.goto_parent()):
            make_move(cursor, "up", fn)
    elif move == "up":
        if (cursor.goto_next_sibling()):
            make_move(cursor, "right", fn)
        elif (cursor.goto_parent()):
            make_move(cursor, "up", fn)

def my_fn(cursor):

tree = parser.parse(bytes("""
(defn hello
  (let [x 1]
      (print "hi")
      (print "ho"))))
""", "utf8"))

cursor = tree.walk()

# as a special case, imagine one starts "above" the root node and
# moves "down" to it
make_move(cursor, "down", my_fn)

The function "make_move" can be "reduced" but I found some of those versions to be less easy to understand.

bencevans commented 3 years ago

I think I've got what you're looking for. I got hit by the maximum stack limit when walking the tree using recursion similar to your example, so now rewritten it to use iteration with TreeCursor. I hope it can be some help to others...

def traverse_tree(tree: Tree):
    cursor = tree.walk()

    reached_root = False
    while reached_root == False:
        yield cursor.node

        if cursor.goto_first_child():

        if cursor.goto_next_sibling():

        retracing = True
        while retracing:
            if not cursor.goto_parent():
                retracing = False
                reached_root = True

            if cursor.goto_next_sibling():
                retracing = False

for node in traverse_tree:
char0n commented 2 years ago

I've found this issue when searching for additional information about how to build traversal usint tree-sitter cursor. For anybody looking how to implement Preorder Depth First traversal using tree-sitter cursor in JavaScript:

milahu commented 1 year ago

would be nice to have this in the readme

verhovsky commented 8 months ago

Here's a simpler conversion of the above Python into TypeScript:

function* traverseTree(
  tree: Parser.Tree,
): Generator<Parser.SyntaxNode> {
  const cursor = tree.walk();

  let reachedRoot = false;
  while (!reachedRoot) {
    let currentNode = cursor.currentNode as unknown;
    // TreeCursor.currentNode is a property in Node but a function in the browser
    if (typeof currentNode === "function") {
      currentNode = currentNode();
    yield currentNode as Parser.SyntaxNode;

    if (cursor.gotoFirstChild()) {

    if (cursor.gotoNextSibling()) {

    let retracing = true;
    while (retracing) {
      if (!cursor.gotoParent()) {
        retracing = false;
        reachedRoot = true;

      if (cursor.gotoNextSibling()) {
        retracing = false;

and into JavaScript

function* traverseTree(tree) {
  const cursor = tree.walk();

  let reachedRoot = false;
  while (!reachedRoot) {
    let currentNode = cursor.currentNode;
    // TreeCursor.currentNode is a property in Node but a function in the browser
    if (typeof currentNode === "function") {
      currentNode = currentNode();
    yield currentNode;

    if (cursor.gotoFirstChild()) {

    if (cursor.gotoNextSibling()) {

    let retracing = true;
    while (retracing) {
      if (!cursor.gotoParent()) {
        retracing = false;
        reachedRoot = true;

      if (cursor.gotoNextSibling()) {
        retracing = false;
milahu commented 7 months ago

closed this as completed

not really completed... the current readme#walking-syntax-trees is not helpful

amaanq commented 7 months ago

It's more like a not-planned for upstream, this is for the user to implement and not something we want to have/consider

It's useful though so I could move it into discussions instead?

milahu commented 7 months ago

I could move it into discussions

this should be in the repo, not hidden on github how about examples/

this is for the user to implement

i see basically 2 strategies for tree walking: by iterating over a generator function like in by passing a handle_node callback function like in

the iterator/generator pattern may be more efficient because it avoids the function call overhead

... so this is not something that has a million solutions, where users can get creative

the current readme#walking-syntax-trees feels like "this is the API, go figure..." for someone who never had to write a tree-walker that is not helpful

ObserverOfTime commented 7 months ago

The readme does need improvements, as do the core docs.

amaanq commented 6 months ago

I like the idea of an examples dir for this, I'll add that