treeform / fidget

Figma based UI library for nim, with HTML and OpenGL backends.
MIT License
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fail on building "Minimal Sample" #150

Closed hamidb80 closed 3 years ago

hamidb80 commented 3 years ago

hey. i just installed fidget 0.75 via nimble, and copy & pasted "Minimal Sample" into a nim file.

when I truied to compile that "Minimal Sample" i got an error:

C:\Users\<USER>\.nimble\pkgs\fidget-0.7.5\fidget\common.nim(255, 17) Error: object constructor needs an object type

fidget\common.nim :

254 |  mouse = Mouse()
255 |  mouse.pos = Vec2()    <------ here ----------

os: windows 10 nim: 1.4.6