treehouses / cli

cli 🦄 for raspberry pi images of type treehouses
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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organize treehouses manual (help prompt) #434

Open CalebProvost opened 5 years ago

CalebProvost commented 5 years ago

This is not intuitive to read...

root@treehouses:~# treehouses --help
Usage: treehouses

   help [command]                            gives you a more detailed info about the command or will output this
   expandfs                                  expands the partition of the RPI image to the maximum of the SDcard
   rename <hostname>                         changes hostname
   password <password>                       changes the password for 'pi' user
   sshkey <add|list|delete|deleteall>        used for adding or removing ssh keys for authentication
   version                                   returns the version of treehouses command
   image                                     returns version of the system image installed
   detectrpi                                 detects the hardware version of a raspberry pi
   detect                                    detects the hardware version of any device
   ethernet <ip> <mask> <gateway> <dns>      configures rpi network interface to a static ip address
   wifi <ESSID> [password]                   connects to a wifi network
   staticwifi <ip> <mask> <gateway> <dns>    configures rpi wifi interface to a static ip address
              <ESSID> [password]
   bridge <ESSID> <hotspotESSID>             configures the rpi to bridge the wlan interface over a hotspot
          [password] [hotspotPassword]
   container <none|docker|balena>            enables (and start) the desired container
   bluetooth <on|off>                        switches between bluetooth hotspot mode / regular bluetooth and starts the service
   ap <local|internet> <ESSID> [password]    creates a mobile ap, which has two modes: local (no eth0 bridging), internet (eth0 bridging)
   apchannel [channel]                       sets or prints the current ap channel
   timezone <timezone>                       sets the timezone of the system
   locale <locale>                           sets the system locale
   ssh <on|off>                              enables or disables the ssh service
   vnc [on|off|info]                         enables or disables the vnc server service
   default                                   sets a raspbian back to default configuration
   wificountry <country>                     sets the wifi country
   upgrade                                   upgrades treehouses package using npm
   sshtunnel <add|remove|list|check|notice>  helps adding an sshtunnel
             <key|portinterval> [user@host]
   led [green|red] [mode]                    sets the led mode
   rtc <on|off> [rasclock|ds3231]            sets up the rtc clock specified
   ntp <local|internet>                      enables or disables time through ntp servers
   networkmode                               outputs the current network mode
   button <off|bluetooth>                    gives the gpio pin 18 an action
   feedback <message>                        sends feedback
   clone [device path]                       clones the current SDCard onto a secondary SDCard or specified device
   restore [device path]                     restores a treehouses image to an SDCard or specified device
   burn [device path]                        download and burns the latest treehouses image to the SDcard or specified device
   rebootneeded                              shows if reboot is required to apply changes
   internet                                  checks if the rpi has access to internet
   services [service_name] [format]          outputs or install the desired service
   tor [start|stop|add|delete|list]          deals with services on tor hidden network
   bootoption <console|desktop> [autologin]  sets the boot mode
   openvpn [use|show|delete]                 helps setting up an openvpn client
   coralenv [install|demo-on|demo-off]       plays with the coral environmental board
   memory [total|used|free]                  displays the total memory of the device, the memory used as well as the available free memory
   temperature [celsius]                     displays raspberry pi's CPU temperature

I feel it would help people's eyes find what they are looking for if it was alphabetical.

izzergh commented 5 years ago

I can alphabetize this.

Do you want help to be an exception? i.e. help appears on top, then an extra newline, then everything else but alphabetized?

CalebProvost commented 5 years ago

I can alphabetize this.

Do you want help to be an exception? i.e. help appears on top, then an extra newline, then everything else but alphabetized?

@izzergh If I remember correctly from a meeting a while back, the CTO wants it categorized first, the alphabetized. Think utilities, network, maintenance, etc. Keep in mind that this will probably be debated upon a lot.

Go ahead and start it if you want, just be prepared for some change requests.

izzergh commented 5 years ago

Sure. I will do a cursory split by use case and alphabetization. Once that is done I will make a PR for review.