treehouses / rpi-couchdb

CouchDB Docker 🐳 for Raspberry Pi. Part of OLE's Treehouses Project.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Aarch64 support #22

Open sahilph opened 6 years ago

sahilph commented 6 years ago

Support for 64 Bit

UncleSamSwiss commented 4 years ago

Thanks for adding aarch64 support!

What's the current state? I see on Docker Hub, you already have arm64 versions for 2.1.1 (and 1.7.1). Do you plan to have them also for 2.3.1?

dogi commented 4 years ago

@UncleSamSwiss good question ... maybe you wanna help us there ;P

we dropped support with 2.2.0 and after cause of lack of testing abilities ;)

UncleSamSwiss commented 4 years ago

Let me know how I can help.

I looked through the changes and saw that you (partially) changed to a multi stage build. I would have suggested this in a separate issue as it could potentially reduce the image size (and no need to remove the wget package ;-). I'm a bit worried that mixing ARM and ARM 64 in the same build would create a mix of binaries.

I tried yesterday to build CouchDB 2.3.1 on ARM64 based on balenalib/raspberrypi4-64-debian:stretch and didn't have any issues (besides some GPG check fails on the Balena builder). I didn't try to run it, so there might still be runtime issues. The given base image is probably still too big as we basically only need balenalib/aarch64-debian:stretch-run (no need for RPi4 specific packages).

empeje commented 4 years ago

@UncleSamSwiss cool!

sahil was one of our intern, and he already back to school, you can take over this PR for sure @UncleSamSwiss 😄

UncleSamSwiss commented 4 years ago

@empeje well, that's sad...

I had a quick look at your Travis CI and found that none of the builds are running through (returned a non-zero code: 2) but they still report success (the shell script isn't exiting on error). In addition to that, the CouchDB 2.3.1 version on Docker Hub was probably uploaded manually as there is no Travis build at all for 2.3.1.

I'm sorry, but evaluating how much effort it would be to get Travis working again, add 2.3.1 and then do all the work required for an arm64 version, I don't see myself capable and willing to invest that much time.

empeje commented 4 years ago

Hmm interesting,

I time poor right now, but this aarch64 support is our homework, I'll check it again soon.

dogi commented 4 years ago

@empeje :)