treffynnon /

A consistent code style guide for SQL to ensure legible and maintainable projects
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Add list of linters / editor plugins implementing the styleguide to the readme #52

Open ckrack opened 5 years ago

ckrack commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm creating this issue as a follow-up to a question on twitter. The idea is to be able to follow this issue to be notified, when there are plugins/linters available.

Ideas for implementation:

pragunbhutani commented 5 years ago


I would also like to know if someone has tried to build an auto-formatter/prettifier based on this style guide?

treffynnon commented 5 years ago

I would prefer to go with a standalone option that could be integrated by others into tool specific wrappers like plugins for eslint, etc. This way it can be used by more people across varied build architectures.

treffynnon commented 5 years ago

This is the closest I have seen so far. It is from the CockroachDB labs by @mjibson - an example of the SQL output compared to a query specified in the style guide: example on

It also comes as a standalone go binary as well; that can be configured to format SQL on save in an editor etc.

There was some limited discussion on making it compatible with the on Twitter: but this doesn't appear to have been completed.

The code is available over at

emlazzarin commented 2 years ago

I will pay a bounty to whoever implements a command line standalone formatter/linter that adheres to this guide.

treffynnon commented 6 months ago

I have not looked closely yet, but perhaps SQLFluff might work too.

powerman commented 2 months ago

It would be nice to have SQLFluff config as close as possible to the guide.

powerman commented 2 months ago

No, SQLFluff is unable to do the most important part of this style, but there is open feature request/discussion for it:

powerman commented 2 months ago

:tada: I've found really good enough solution. It's a Prettier community plugin prettier-plugin-sql.

Here is my ~/.prettierrc.yml:

  - prettier-plugin-sql
  - files:
      - '*.sql'
      # Values: sql bigquery db2 db2i hive mariadb mysql n1ql postgresql plsql redshift
      # singlestoredb snowflake spark sqlite transactsql tsql trino
      language: postgresql
      # Values: preserve upper lower
      keywordCase: upper
      dataTypeCase: upper
      functionCase: upper
      identifierCase: preserve
      # Values: standard tabularLeft tabularRight
      indentStyle: tabularRight
      expressionWidth: 96

and here is result of processing all SQL mentioned in in a single file:

   SELECT file_hash -- stored ssdeep hash
     FROM file_system
    WHERE file_name = '.vimrc';

/* Updating the file record after writing to the file */
   UPDATE file_system
      SET file_modified_date = '1980-02-22 13:19:01.00000',
          file_size = 209732
    WHERE file_name = '.vimrc';

   SELECT first_name
     FROM staff;

   SELECT first_name AS fn
     FROM staff AS s1
     JOIN students AS s2 ON s2.mentor_id = s1.staff_num;

   SELECT SUM(s.monitor_tally) AS monitor_total
     FROM staff AS s;

   SELECT model_num
     FROM phones AS p
    WHERE p.release_date > '2014-09-30';

   SELECT f.species_name,
          AVG(f.height) AS average_height,
          AVG(f.diameter) AS average_diameter
     FROM flora AS f
    WHERE f.species_name = 'Banksia'
       OR f.species_name = 'Sheoak'
       OR f.species_name = 'Wattle'
 GROUP BY f.species_name,
   SELECT b.species_name,
          AVG(b.height) AS average_height,
          AVG(b.diameter) AS average_diameter
     FROM botanic_garden_flora AS b
    WHERE b.species_name = 'Banksia'
       OR b.species_name = 'Sheoak'
       OR b.species_name = 'Wattle'
 GROUP BY b.species_name,

   SELECT a.title,
     FROM albums AS a
    WHERE a.title = 'Charcoal Lane'
       OR a.title = 'The New Danger';

   INSERT INTO albums (title, release_date, recording_date)
   VALUES ('Charcoal Lane', '1990-01-01 01:01:01.00000', '1990-01-01 01:01:01.00000'),
          ('The New Danger', '2008-01-01 01:01:01.00000', '1990-01-01 01:01:01.00000');

   UPDATE albums
      SET release_date = '1990-01-01 01:01:01.00000'
    WHERE title = 'The New Danger';

   SELECT a.title,
          a.production_date -- grouped dates together
     FROM albums AS a
    WHERE a.title = 'Charcoal Lane'
       OR a.title = 'The New Danger';

   SELECT r.last_name
     FROM riders AS r
    INNER JOIN bikes AS b ON r.bike_vin_num = b.vin_num
      AND b.engine_tally > 2
    INNER JOIN crew AS c ON r.crew_chief_last_name = c.last_name
      AND c.chief = 'Y';

   SELECT r.last_name
     FROM riders AS r
     JOIN bikes AS b ON r.bike_vin_num = b.vin_num;

   SELECT r.last_name,
             SELECT MAX(YEAR (championship_date))
               FROM champions AS c
              WHERE c.last_name = r.last_name
                AND c.confirmed = 'Y'
          ) AS last_championship_year
     FROM riders AS r
    WHERE r.last_name IN (
             SELECT c.last_name
               FROM champions AS c
              WHERE YEAR (championship_date) > '2008'
                AND c.confirmed = 'Y'

   SELECT CASE postcode
                    WHEN 'BN1' THEN 'Brighton'
                    WHEN 'EH1' THEN 'Edinburgh'
          END AS city
     FROM office_locations
    WHERE country = 'United Kingdom'
      AND opening_time BETWEEN 8 AND 9
      AND postcode IN ('EH1', 'BN1', 'NN1', 'KW1');

   CREATE TABLE staff (
          PRIMARY KEY (staff_num),
          staff_num INT NOT NULL,
          first_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
          pens_in_drawer INT NOT NULL,
          CONSTRAINT pens_in_drawer_range CHECK (pens_in_drawer BETWEEN 1 AND 99)