trek-view / gopro2gsv

Processes .jpg images and .mp4/.360 videos shot on GoPro MAX or Fusion cameras and uploads to Google Street View.
Apache License 2.0
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Add logic to remove outliers #25

Open himynamesdave opened 1 year ago

himynamesdave commented 1 year ago

In some cases, GPS data is erroneous. e.g. the distance or speed between two consecutive points by time is clearly to fast (e.g. 10000 km/h speed)

There are many ways to get rid of outlying points like this:

User should be able to set an outlier "speed" in all modes


Default if not passed is 40 meters / second (144 km/h).

When user passes this flag, they can enter any whole number

When a destination photo has a speed greater than the specified outlier speed it will be removed (and logged) from the input photos considered to produce a video (similar logic to when photos in input have no GPS:

Is dependant on change #26 as this will mean videos are now first processed to images, at which point, outliers can be removed.

fqrious commented 1 year ago

How is speed calculated?

himynamesdave commented 1 year ago

@fqrious here is an explanation (and implementation)

Essentially you use the gps points between consecutive photos to calculate distance and time which will give you speed

himynamesdave commented 1 year ago

Yes, it is described here

you can see the implementation here:

himynamesdave commented 1 year ago

closing, will raise individual tickets to cover

himynamesdave commented 1 year ago

This needs more thought. Reopening, can tackle later