trek10inc / awsume

A utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command line.
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Awsume /Awsumepy for IAM role is not working properly ! #12

Closed aharrim closed 7 years ago

aharrim commented 7 years ago

Hey guys, I'm not sure where to send the issue but On June , I downloaded your"awsume" utility so I will be able to assume an IAM role easily through CMD and it was working fine . Recently , I got a new machine and I downloaded your tools but it seems it's not working anymore . My new machine is windows 10 and I believe that you guys updated the utility so I'm not sure if I'm missing something or there's something wrong .

I created same profiles I had on my old machine and i was trying to assume one of them through the following command ..: awsume AEProfile After that , it asks me for mfa code which I enter but then it seems like it just keep assume the source profile and not the role (Plus I noticed that after i entered mfa code , there are two sentences showed which are "User profile credentials will expire " and "Role Profile credentials will expire" .

The thing is the expiration date/time for the role is the same date/ time i ran the command at , Please find the attachment .

Then to verify which profile is being used , i ran the following command ..: aws sts get-caller-identity but it keep giving me the source profile and not the role !

Regards, Ahmad capture

shortjared commented 7 years ago

We'll take a look! cc: @mbarneyjr

mbarneyjr commented 7 years ago

awsume is the shell wrapper to awsumepy.

awsumepy just prints the credentials that the shell wrapper awsume will use to set environment variables.

So, to use Awsume on any given profile, in your case AEProfile, run awsume AEProfile. It appears that you were running it with awsumepy instead of awsume. If running awsume still doesn't resolve the issue let me know!

vpuech commented 7 years ago

hi, Same problem with awsume. if i do a awsume MyProfile -s and copy/paste the exports it works but not with awsume MyProfile directly

mbarneyjr commented 7 years ago

@vpuech Can you provide more details? What OS are you using? Did you install normally with pip? What version of python are you using? Please include any additional details

aharrim commented 7 years ago

@mbarneyjr It's same with "awsume" but the screenshot showed "awsumepy" Please, find the attachment capture


mbarneyjr commented 7 years ago

Are you using the most current version of Awsume? You can run awsume -v. The current version is 1.2.4. If you're using the current version of Awsume and are still experiencing problems, run awsume --info and post the output

aharrim commented 7 years ago

@mbarneyjr It's latest version (1.2.4) . I believe the older version , which i was using 2 months ago was working fine but this one is not . Anyway , find the attachment . capture

I believe there's a problem in your newer version of the tool because I've been able to assume IAM role profile using "set aws_profile" , Please find the second attachment. capturesetprofile


mbarneyjr commented 7 years ago

Run Awsume with the --info flag for the profile you want to awsume. For instance, if you want to awsume AEProfile, run awsume AEProfile --info and post the output of that.

Running set aws_profile=AEProfile only sets that environment variable, so when you run commands like aws get-caller-identity, the awscli looks to that profile, located in your ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials files, for which credentials to use.

aharrim commented 7 years ago

@mbarneyjr Here's the output capture

mbarneyjr commented 7 years ago

Alright, I found the problem, and have released an update that should fix any issues you were having. The current version is 1.2.5. If you are still experiencing problems please let me know!

@vpuech Are you still experiencing issues? If so, I'd be happy to help you resolve them.

aharrim commented 7 years ago

Cool , I uninstall and install the newer version and now it's working fine . Thanks for your time and effort !

mbarneyjr commented 7 years ago

No problem! I'm happy everything is working well now!

@vpuech If you are still experiencing issues, please open a new issue, I'm going to close this issue.