trek10inc / awsume

A utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command line.
MIT License
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awsume not exporting secrets to env vars #122

Closed alexM0 closed 3 years ago

alexM0 commented 3 years ago


For some reason awsume is not exporting secrets to environment variables automatically. I have tried uninstall and installing a fresh copy and it still had the same issue.

I have to run:

awsume <profile_name> -s

Copy and paste the output for all the exports, and then continue on my way.

Is there a reason why awsume would not be exporting these automatically? Is there something I can configure for this to work?


ryansb commented 3 years ago

If you don't have alias awsume=". awsume" set for your shell this will stop environment variables from being exported.

alexM0 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, that fixed it.