trek10inc / awsume

A utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command line.
MIT License
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XDG Base Directory Support #138

Closed bob-crutchley closed 9 months ago

bob-crutchley commented 3 years ago

Introduced support for XDG base directories to help user's home folder uncluttered, see issue: #132

There is also some fixes to the unit tests for the AWS config files, there are now patches to ensure that the environment variables for the AWS config and credential files are not set.

mbarneyjr commented 3 years ago

This looks great, thanks for the PR! The concern I have reading the changes made now is that it seems like this would be a breaking change

It would be ideal if this could read from both ~/.awsume and the XDG directories (maybe migrate all of the directories over automatically?), until a potential awsume version 5 that could remove the then-deprecated ~/.awsume directory support

Before this gets released we'd like to ensure it won't contain a breaking change. Let us know if you'd be interesting in expanding your PR around that, or if not we can implement the needed changes

Thanks again!

ghost commented 2 years ago

Typically projects do have a fallback in place wherein the standard XDG locations are first checked, followed by a check for ~/.oldlocation as a last measure. If the old location is found, it uses that; If nothing is found, it uses the XDG spec. I don't see any issue with that kind of logic, and it would allow releasing this sooner than a nebulous 5.X release.

lhendrick-t10 commented 9 months ago

Closing in favor of #228