trek10inc / awsume

A utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command line.
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error in shell scripts #163

Closed rpf3 closed 2 years ago

rpf3 commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to use awsume in the context of a CI/CD system and have built the tool into my base container image. When I run the image I am able to run awsume commands without issue however when I then hook this into the build system I start getting an error message about the "return" statement. For example:

$ awsume --version
Warning: the awsume shell script is not being sourced, please use awsume-configure to install the alias
/root/.local/bin/awsume: line 183: return: can only `return' from a function or sourced script

I've come across a few issues on here already similar to #155 which are closed but the solution of "run awsume-configure" isn't helping in my case; or at least it doesn't appear to be. I have run that command in the Dockerfile and can verify that the alias is in my ~/.profile when within a running container.

I also use awsume locally for my own day-to-day AWS interactions and was able to verify a similar behavior in my own local terminal. If I create a simple script that only runs awsume --version and then execute that I get the same error.

Am I missing something completely obvious? What other information would help debugging this?

mbarneyjr commented 2 years ago

The issue is likely because awsume isn't being sourced in your CI/CD environment. awsume-configure helps this by adding an alias to your shell's login file, but in a CI/CD environment I've found that aliases are not loaded

If I were to use awsume in a CI/CD environment I would explicitly put a source in front of the command, so

mycicdscript: |
  source awsume --role-arn 000111222333:cicd-deployment-role
  aws sts get-caller-identity

Also, if you're interested in reducing dependencies (not having to install awsume in your CI/CD or docker images), you can use a shell one-liner with the awscli --query flag to set this for you (maybe doesn't read very well but it works):

export $(aws sts assume-role --role-arn ${ROLE_ARN} --role-session-name ${ROLE_SESSION_NAME} --output text --query "[['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',Credentials.AccessKeyId],['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',Credentials.SecretAccessKey],['AWS_SESSION_TOKEN',Credentials.SessionToken]][*].join(\`=\`,@)")

I'll close this for now but feel free to reopen if this doesn't help!

rpf3 commented 2 years ago

@mbarneyjr thanks for the fast reply, I used the source awsume as you suggested and things work fine.