trek10inc / awsume

A utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command line.
MIT License
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Fish-shell autocompletion includes filenames #173

Closed Prophecy67 closed 9 months ago

Prophecy67 commented 2 years ago

The fish-shell autocompletion works marvelously, though there is one slight annoyance and a rather easy fix.

The file /home/$USER/.config/fish/completions/ contains the following:

#Auto-Complete function for AWSume
complete --command awsume --arguments '(awsume-autocomplete)'

This however also means that when you use tab completion, you'll also include the CWD's files. Naturally, you cannot awsume to the files 😁

An easy fix would be to add the -f argument, not allowing files:

As per:

-f or --no-files says that this completion may not be followed by a filename.


mtskillman commented 9 months ago

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