trek10inc / awsume

A utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command line.
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adds quiet configuration option #182

Closed Otanikotani closed 2 years ago

Otanikotani commented 2 years ago


This is my first PR to awsume, please let me know if I need to follow any particular guideline to contribute.

The PR adds a new configuration option - quiet. The option is similar to what many CLIs have - if quiet is true then do not print anything.

The use case of this configuration option is to have a clean output when awsume is used from shell scripts. My personal use case - I invoke awsume every time I open a terminal by putting something like awsume -a myprofile into my shell's init script (I am using fish so it is in ~/.config/fish/ With quiet: true my terminal opens without any extra output from awsume. If I remove quiet: true then my terminal will look like:

Session token will expire at 2022-03-31 04:20:28
[123] Role credentials will expire 2022-03-30 19:55:58

Well, I hope you get the drill - this is basically the "work quietly" option like -q in grep.

Also, I actually wanted to make it an argument rather than configuration option. So, I would prefer to type awsume -q -a myprofile rather than putting quiet: false into ~/.awsume/config.yaml. However, I found it would require more changes then just a couple of lines, since I would somehow need to pass arguments to safe_print function. Please let me know where do you stand on it.

Thank you!

Awesome CLI by the way, saves me a lot of time.