trek10inc / awsume

A utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command line.
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Getting error even after awsume-configure #188

Closed saravanastar closed 10 months ago

saravanastar commented 1 year ago

Getting the below error when I run the command awsume profile-name

I ran awsume-configure multiple time but still throwing the same error.

Warning: the awsume shell script is not being sourced, please use awsume-configure to install the alias /opt/homebrew/bin/awsume: line 183: return: can only `return' from a function or sourced script

mtskillman commented 10 months ago

@saravanastar would you confirm that your awsume alias is set correctly? there should be something like this in your .profile (or equivalent file for whichever shell your are using, if it is not bash)

#AWSume alias to source the AWSume script
alias awsume="source awsume"

try this: alias | grep awsume

should output alias awsume='source awsume'

saravanastar commented 10 months ago

It works. Thanks for checking