trek10inc / awsume

A utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command line.
MIT License
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Date comparison error #70

Closed alexbilbie closed 4 years ago

alexbilbie commented 4 years ago

I've just updated to the latest awsume available on pip (4.1.6) and I'm seeing this error:

$ awsume platform-production-admin -a
Session token will expire at 2019-10-01 22:38:18
Role credentials will expire 2019-10-01 16:07:34
[3] 52308

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/autoawsume", line 10, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/awsume/autoawsume/", line 41, in main
    earliest_expiration = min(expirations)
TypeError: can't compare offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes
mbarneyjr commented 4 years ago

This should be fixed in 4.1.7, thanks for the bug report!