trek10inc / awsume

A utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command line.
MIT License
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duration_seconds in config causes MFA prompt every time #73

Closed michaelwittig closed 4 years ago

michaelwittig commented 4 years ago
awsume -v

If I specify duration_seconds in my config file I'm always asked to enter the MFA token for this profile. Id I do not specify duration_seconds I only have to enter the MFA token every now and then.

mbarneyjr commented 4 years ago

This is unfortunately expected behavior

Awsume uses the sts get-caller-identity api to get mfa-authenticated credentials (session token) for your user, and uses those credentials to call the sts assume-role api to get role credentials

According to AWS, they treat the user mfa-authenticated credentials (the session token) as role credentials. They also do not allow role-chaining for credentials that are valid for more than 1 hour

For that reason, we can't use the default awsume flow (caching source session token so you don't need MFA every single time you assume a role) when a duration_seconds is given