trek10inc / awsume

A utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command line.
MIT License
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multiple issues with awsume #89

Closed joelgrimberg closed 4 years ago

joelgrimberg commented 4 years ago

on a fresh machine, when I install awsume 4.1.10 with brew, typing 'awsume <tab' executes 'autocompletion' but I get 4x: awsume: error: unrecognized arguments: --rolesusers usage: awsume [-h] [-v] [-r] [-s] [-u] [-a] [-k] [-l [more]] [--refresh-autocomplete] [--role-arn role_arn] [--principal-arn principal_arn] [--source-profile source_profile] [--external-id external_id] [--mfa-token mfa_token] [--region region] [--session-name session_name] [--role-duration role_duration] [--with-saml | --with-web-identity] [--json json] [--credentials-file credentials_file] [--config-file config_file] [--config [option [option ...]]] [--list-plugins] [--info] [--debug] [profile_name]

when I type awsume , I just get another prompt but the profile did not load.

mbarneyjr commented 4 years ago

The availability of awsume on brew is not officially maintained by the team here.

The official recommendation is to install awsume via pipx

However, the problem you're experiencing is likely to be an issue with an older (3.x or lower) autocomplete script still hanging around. You'll have to find out where that is (depends on how your shell handles autocomplete) and remove it. More information on upgrading here.

As for the second issue, this is likely because the awsume alias is not loaded. The alias should look like this: alias awsume=". awsume". The alias is required because a subshell cannot alter a parent shell's environment variables. To add this alias to your shell's login files (and also add the autocomplete script), use the awsume-configure utility, more information found here.