trek10inc / awsume

A utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command line.
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Add description for Powershell with pyenv #96

Closed jkugiya closed 4 years ago

jkugiya commented 4 years ago

I tried awsume using pyenv on PowerShell, but I needed to configure alias. So, I added the description about alias setting for Powershell. I have also tried the tricks on the Windows command prompt(with using doskey), but I couldn't find a sophisticated way.

I have read trouble shooting, and it seems to be saying that the issue have been solved in 1.3.1, but it seems that if the alias is not set, the process would end prematurely.(I have tried in 4.2.6)

mbarneyjr commented 4 years ago

Hmm, I don't think the alias is required on Windows.

The alias is required on unix-like systems so that awsume can modify your current terminal's environment variables. Windows allows this by default.

I suspect the issue you're experiencing is that the ~/pyenv/versions/<VERSION>/bin is not added to your path correctly, so it can not find the executable. Setting the alias would solve the problem for awsume not being found, but not solve the problem for anything else in your ~/pyenv/versions/<VERSION>/bin directory. Pyenv-win has some documentation on making sure the environment variables are correctly configured here. Note, when you open the "PC -> Properties ...", the user you open it with matters. You want to make sure you're setting the path environment variable for the user you're going to use awsume (and any other python tool) with