trekhleb / javascript-algorithms

📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
MIT License
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German translation #683

Closed denizbinay closed 3 years ago

denizbinay commented 3 years ago

hey hey, great project! I would like to make a german translation. So I have a reason to look deeper into the texts. I'll collect the information about the translation process from the other issues, but if I have questions I can ask them here, right?

SoltanHuseynov commented 3 years ago

hi there , I can you yes question, no problem,but my english language very bad

On Mon, Apr 5, 2021, 5:50 PM Deniz Binay @.***> wrote:

hey hey, great project! I would like to make a german translation. So I have a reason to look deeper into the texts. I'll collect the information about the translation process from the other issues, but if I have questions I can ask them here, right?

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denizbinay commented 3 years ago

And I can still learn a lot about GIT. Together we can do it ;-)

SoltanHuseynov commented 3 years ago


SoltanHuseynov commented 3 years ago

you are how to make contac?

muaaz0101 commented 3 years ago


denizbinay commented 3 years ago

Okay guys, I'm done translating the README file. I wanted to do the commit, but on my machine all eslint test fail. I didn't change anything in the .js files though (counterstet with a fresh clone).

I get the following message before the tests: "Warning: React version was set to "detect" in eslint-plugin-react settings, but the "react" package is not installed. Assuming latest React version for linting."

And the following result: "✖ 21374 problems (21374 errors, 0 warnings) 21205 errors and 0 warnings potentially fixable with the --fix option.)

I don't quite understand what react has to do with this. Does anyone know the problem?

denizbinay commented 3 years ago

In the meantime I saw that some peerdependancies were not installed. I have then changed to node 15.04.01. Npm 7+ installs them automatically. Unfortunately I still get the same error.

denizbinay commented 3 years ago

push! Does anyone here have a solution? I would be sad to have translated this for nothing. No matter what I do, the linting always fails on my machine. Even in a fresh clone of the repository. I have installed peerdependencies additionally, I even installed react once. Then the error message mentioned above simply no longer appears before linting. But it still fails.

olgunkaya commented 3 years ago

I bet you did but want to check the dummiest part first. Can you show us what is in your node_modules directory ?

let me ask simply, have you run npm install on the root after you checked out the files ?

denizbinay commented 3 years ago

haha, of course I did. Thats in my node_modules directory

d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                .bin
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                @babel
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                @bcoe
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                @cnakazawa
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                @eslint
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                @istanbuljs
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                @jest
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                @nicolo-ribaudo
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                @nodelib
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                @sinonjs
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                @types
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                @typescript-eslint
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                abab
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                acorn
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                acorn-globals
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                acorn-jsx
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                acorn-walk
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                ajv
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                ansi-colors
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                ansi-escapes
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                ansi-regex
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                ansi-styles
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                anymatch
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                argparse
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                aria-query
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                arr-diff
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                arr-flatten
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                arr-union
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                array-includes
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                array-union
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                array-unique
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                array.prototype.flat
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                array.prototype.flatmap
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                asn1
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                assert-plus
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                assign-symbols
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                ast-types-flow
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                astral-regex
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                async-each
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                asynckit
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                atob
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                aws-sign2
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                aws4
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                axe-core
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                axobject-query
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                babel-jest
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                babel-plugin-istanbul
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                babel-plugin-jest-hoist
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                babel-preset-current-node-syntax
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                babel-preset-jest
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                balanced-match
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                base
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                bcrypt-pbkdf
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                binary-extensions
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                brace-expansion
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                braces
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                browser-process-hrtime
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                browserslist
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                bser
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                buffer-from
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                cache-base
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                call-bind
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                callsites
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                camelcase
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                caniuse-lite
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                capture-exit
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                caseless
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                chalk
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                char-regex
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                chokidar
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                ci-info
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                cjs-module-lexer
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                class-utils
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                cliui
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                co
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                collect-v8-coverage
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                collection-visit
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                color-convert
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                color-name
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                colorette
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                combined-stream
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                commander
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                compare-versions
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                component-emitter
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                concat-map
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                confusing-browser-globals
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                contains-path
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                convert-source-map
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                copy-descriptor
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                core-js-compat
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                core-js-pure
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                core-util-is
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                cosmiconfig
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                cross-spawn
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                cssom
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                cssstyle
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                damerau-levenshtein
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                dashdash
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                data-urls
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                debug
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                decamelize
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                decimal.js
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                decode-uri-component
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                deep-is
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                deepmerge
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                define-properties
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                define-property
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                delayed-stream
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                detect-newline
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                diff-sequences
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                dir-glob
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                doctrine
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                domexception
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                ecc-jsbn
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                electron-to-chromium
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                emittery
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                emoji-regex
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                end-of-stream
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                enquirer
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                error-ex
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                es-abstract
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                es-to-primitive
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                escalade
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                escape-string-regexp
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                escodegen
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                eslint
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                eslint-config-airbnb
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                eslint-config-airbnb-base
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                eslint-import-resolver-node
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                eslint-module-utils
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                eslint-plugin-import
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                eslint-plugin-jest
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                eslint-plugin-react
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                eslint-scope
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                eslint-utils
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                eslint-visitor-keys
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                espree
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                esprima
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                esquery
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                esrecurse
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                estraverse
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                esutils
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                exec-sh
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                execa
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                exit
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                expand-brackets
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                expect
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                extend
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                extend-shallow
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                extglob
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                extsprintf
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                fast-deep-equal
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                fast-glob
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                fast-json-stable-stringify
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                fast-levenshtein
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                fastq
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                fb-watchman
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                file-entry-cache
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                fill-range
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                find-up
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                find-versions
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                flat-cache
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                flatted
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                for-in
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                forever-agent
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                form-data
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                fragment-cache
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                fs-readdir-recursive
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                fs.realpath
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                function-bind
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                functional-red-black-tree
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                gensync
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                get-caller-file
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                get-intrinsic
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                get-package-type
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                get-stream
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                get-value
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                getpass
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                glob
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                glob-parent
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                globals
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                globby
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                graceful-fs
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                growly
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                har-schema
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                har-validator
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                has
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                has-flag
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                has-symbols
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                has-value
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                has-values
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                hosted-git-info
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                html-encoding-sniffer
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                html-escaper
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                http-signature
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                human-signals
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                husky
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                iconv-lite
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                ignore
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                import-fresh
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                import-local
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                imurmurhash
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                inflight
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                inherits
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                internal-slot
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                ip-regex
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-accessor-descriptor
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-arrayish
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-binary-path
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-buffer
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-callable
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-ci
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-core-module
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-data-descriptor
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-date-object
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-descriptor
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-docker
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-extendable
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-extglob
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-fullwidth-code-point
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-generator-fn
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-glob
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-negative-zero
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-number
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-plain-object
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-potential-custom-element-name
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-regex
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-stream
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-string
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-symbol
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-typedarray
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-windows
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                is-wsl
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                isarray
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                isexe
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                isobject
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                isstream
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                istanbul-lib-coverage
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                istanbul-lib-instrument
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                istanbul-lib-report
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                istanbul-lib-source-maps
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                istanbul-reports
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-changed-files
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-config
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-diff
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-docblock
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-each
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-environment-jsdom
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-environment-node
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-get-type
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-haste-map
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-jasmine2
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-leak-detector
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-matcher-utils
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-message-util
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-mock
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-pnp-resolver
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-regex-util
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-resolve
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-resolve-dependencies
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-runner
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-runtime
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-serializer
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-snapshot
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-util
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-validate
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-watcher
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jest-worker
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                js-tokens
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                js-yaml
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jsbn
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jsdom
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jsesc
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                json-parse-even-better-errors
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                json-schema
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                json-schema-traverse
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                json-stringify-safe
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                json5
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jsprim
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                jsx-ast-utils
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                kind-of
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                kleur
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                language-subtag-registry
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                language-tags
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                leven
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                levn
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                lines-and-columns
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                load-json-file
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                locate-path
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                lodash
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                lodash.sortby
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                loose-envify
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                lru-cache
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                make-dir
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                makeerror
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                map-cache
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                map-visit
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                merge-stream
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                merge2
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                micromatch
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                mime-db
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                mime-types
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                mimic-fn
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                minimatch
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                minimist
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                mixin-deep
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                ms
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                nanomatch
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                natural-compare
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                nice-try
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                node-int64
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                node-modules-regexp
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                node-notifier
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                node-releases
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                normalize-package-data
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                normalize-path
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                npm-run-path
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                nwsapi
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                oauth-sign
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                object-assign
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                object-copy
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                object-inspect
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                object-keys
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                object-visit
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                object.assign
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                object.entries
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                object.fromentries
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                object.pick
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                object.values
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                once
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                onetime
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                opencollective-postinstall
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                optionator
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                p-each-series
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                p-finally
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                p-limit
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                p-locate
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                p-try
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                parent-module
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                parse-json
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                parse5
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                pascalcase
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                path-dirname
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                path-exists
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                path-is-absolute
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                path-key
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                path-parse
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                path-type
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                performance-now
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                picomatch
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                pify
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                pirates
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                pkg-dir
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                please-upgrade-node
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                posix-character-classes
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                prelude-ls
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                pretty-format
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                process-nextick-args
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                progress
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                prompts
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                prop-types
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                psl
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                pump
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                punycode
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                qs
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                react-is
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                read-pkg
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                read-pkg-up
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                readable-stream
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                readdirp
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                regenerate
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                regenerate-unicode-properties
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                regenerator-runtime
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                regenerator-transform
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                regex-not
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                regexp.prototype.flags
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                regexpp
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                regexpu-core
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                regjsgen
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                regjsparser
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                remove-trailing-separator
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                repeat-element
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                repeat-string
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                request
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                request-promise-core
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                request-promise-native
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                require-directory
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                require-main-filename
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                resolve
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                resolve-cwd
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                resolve-from
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                resolve-url
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                ret
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                reusify
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                rimraf
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                rsvp
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                run-parallel
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                safe-buffer
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                safe-regex
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                safer-buffer
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                sane
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                saxes
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                semver
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                semver-compare
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                semver-regex
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                set-blocking
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                set-value
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                shebang-command
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                shebang-regex
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                shellwords
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                side-channel
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                signal-exit
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                sisteransi
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                slash
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                slice-ansi
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                snapdragon
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                snapdragon-node
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                snapdragon-util
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                source-map
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                source-map-resolve
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                source-map-support
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                source-map-url
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                spdx-correct
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                spdx-exceptions
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                spdx-expression-parse
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                spdx-license-ids
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                split-string
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                sprintf-js
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                sshpk
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                stack-utils
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                static-extend
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                stealthy-require
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                string-length
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                string-width
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                string.prototype.matchall
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                string.prototype.trimend
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                string.prototype.trimstart
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                string_decoder
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                strip-ansi
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                strip-bom
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                strip-eof
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                strip-final-newline
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                strip-json-comments
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                supports-color
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                supports-hyperlinks
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                symbol-tree
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                table
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                terminal-link
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                test-exclude
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                text-table
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                throat
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                tmpl
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                to-fast-properties
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                to-object-path
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                to-regex
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                to-regex-range
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                tough-cookie
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                tr46
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                tsconfig-paths
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                tslib
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                tsutils
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                tunnel-agent
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                tweetnacl
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                type-check
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                type-detect
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                type-fest
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                typedarray-to-buffer
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                unicode-match-property-ecmascript
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                union-value
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                unset-value
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                upath
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                uri-js
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                urix
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                use
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                util-deprecate
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                uuid
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                v8-compile-cache
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                v8-to-istanbul
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                validate-npm-package-license
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                verror
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                w3c-hr-time
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                w3c-xmlserializer
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                walker
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                webidl-conversions
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                whatwg-encoding
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                whatwg-mimetype
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                whatwg-url
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                which
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                which-module
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                which-pm-runs
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                word-wrap
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                wrap-ansi
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                wrappy
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                write-file-atomic
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                ws
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                xml-name-validator
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                xmlchars
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                y18n
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                yallist
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                yaml
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                yargs
d-----        05.04.2021     16:03                yargs-parser
trekhleb commented 3 years ago

@denizbinay sorry to hear that linting doesn't work for you locally. What if you try to remove the npm run lint && npm run test commands from .huskyrc.json and try to commit your changes?

trekhleb commented 3 years ago

It might be that the issue was connected to the Husky library that we use to automatically perform the linting and testing before the commit. For some reason, it picked up the wrong Node version during the check. I've temporarily disabled the pre-commit check. So with the current version of the master, the commits should pass.

denizbinay commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry I didn't see your answer until now. I will do that, thank you very much!

trekhleb commented 3 years ago is merged. Thanks for the translation!