AUDIT Plugin for MySQL. See wiki and readme for description. If you find the plugin useful, please star us on GitHub. We love stars and it's a great way to show your feedback.
I have read trough the issues and PR-s, and it seems to be a recurring problem that people dont research this, rather they come up with logrotation from various aspects.
I would suggest to include a contrib folder into the distributon package, and for starting, include the debian-ized logrotate script mysql-audit.logrotate, users could customize the logfile's name and path and copy it to /etc/logrotate.d/mysql-audit
I have read trough the issues and PR-s, and it seems to be a recurring problem that people dont research this, rather they come up with logrotation from various aspects.
I would suggest to include a contrib folder into the distributon package, and for starting, include the debian-ized logrotate script mysql-audit.logrotate, users could customize the logfile's name and path and copy it to
Attached the TXT form mysql-audit.logrotate