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Unclear Checklists Actions #45

Closed bentleycook closed 7 years ago

bentleycook commented 7 years ago

Unable to list actions with type 'updateCheckItem'

Changing the name of a checklistItem will trigger a webhook on the board and will POST an action of type updateCheckItem with the old and new name. However, no /actions/ resources ever return action types of updateCheckItem: /cards/idCard/actions/, /boards/idBoard/actions/. However you can get that specific action instance: /actions/idAction/.

Need to document this behavior and other ignored action types.

bentleycook commented 7 years ago

List of actions that I think are not returned when listing actions.

  "addAdminToOrganization" # Deprecated in favor of makeAdminOfOrganization
  "removeAdminFromBoard" # Deprecated in favor of makeNormalMemberOfBoard
  "removeAdminFromOrganization" # Deprecated in favor of makeNormalMemberOfOrganization
bentleycook commented 7 years ago

Reordering checklist items does not result in a callback related to an order update.

Moving a checklist item from checklist to checklist (on the same card) does not result in a callback related to the checkitem move.

bentleycook commented 7 years ago