tremorlabs / tremor

React components to build charts and dashboards
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[Feature]: Allow for `BarList` to disable sorting #1032

Open mattiaz9 opened 2 weeks ago

mattiaz9 commented 2 weeks ago

What problem does this feature solve?

I need the BarList to show elements in a specific order. This is useful for elements that must follow a specific order, for instance energy classification like A+, A, B ...., or grades, or whatever. The component should not be opinionated about this.

What does the proposed API look like?

Add the option none to the sortOrder prop.

mattiaz9 commented 2 weeks ago

Another possible solutions would be to remove the default value here:

severinlandolt commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @mattiaz9! If you need a quick solution, check out our Raw Version of the component here:

There you have full control over the sorting, happy coding!

severinlandolt commented 1 day ago


import React from 'react';

type BarListProps<T> = {
  data?: T[];
  color?: string;
  valueFormatter?: (value: number) => string;
  showAnimation?: boolean;
  onValueChange?: (value: T) => void;
  sortOrder?: "ascending" | "descending" | "none";
  className?: string;
  [key: string]: any;

const defaultValueFormatter = (value: number) => value.toString();

function BarListInner<T>(props: BarListProps<T>, ref: React.ForwardedRef<HTMLDivElement>) {
  const {
    data = [],
    valueFormatter = defaultValueFormatter,
    showAnimation = false,
    sortOrder = "descending",
  } = props;

  const Component = onValueChange ? "button" : "div";

  const sortedData = React.useMemo(() => {
    if (sortOrder === "none") {
      return data;
    return [].sort((a, b) => {
      return sortOrder === "ascending" ? a.value - b.value : b.value - a.value;
  }, [data, sortOrder]);

  return (
    <div ref={ref} className={className} {...other}>
      {, index) => (
        <Component key={index} style={{ color }}>

export default React.forwardRef(BarListInner);