tremorlabs / tremor

React components to build charts and dashboards
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[Bug]: Improve "Today" marker in DatePicker / DateRangePicker #653

Closed christopherkindl closed 9 months ago

christopherkindl commented 9 months ago

Tremor Version


Link to minimal reproduction

Steps to reproduce

see current date picker version on doc website

What is expected?

The style of today marker should be more distinct compared to the styling of the selected range/date Datepicker

We are not sure about the new styling yet, so we want to ask the community. Please let us know which option you prefer! 🙂

What is actually happening?

Current styling causes confusion as it can imply that the markers represents the selection of a date.

What browsers are you seeing the problem on?

No response

Any additional comments?

No response

christopherkindl commented 9 months ago

Some input from @Sh4yy (Creator of LogSnag):

"I'd say keep the background colors and try to differenciate it somehow. A is a bit hard to see, the contrast is minimal, and B reminds me that I have some event on that day (think of Apple's calendar)"

mbauchet commented 9 months ago

Maybe underline the actual day could be great

ivantypes commented 9 months ago

Bold is probably the most elegant and clean way, but it will depend a lot on how the component is used.

Certain predefined styles could be provided in the API. For example, bold, dotted... and any others you want to share, even changing the colour between all the existing ones in Colors. And it could be the user who chooses between all the available ones, just like in the variants of some components or in the curve type of the charts.

Have a nice day!

severinlandolt commented 9 months ago

+1 for bold

jaipaljadeja commented 9 months ago

I would prefer bold as well, looks clean and minimal.


Also if possible can I take this issue? it will be my first open source contribution : )

christopherkindl commented 9 months ago

Let's aim for bold. Whoever wants to tackle this issue, please comment below and we will assign you. Many thanks for your work in advance!

jaipaljadeja commented 9 months ago

I am just starting with open source contribution. I would love to take this issue as my first ever contribution 😬

christopherkindl commented 9 months ago

Awesome, the stage is yours! 🙂