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Collaborative Informatics and Neuroimaging Suite Toolkit for Anonymous Computation
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Create Labels and Milestones for Research Projects and Grants #1651

Open praeducer opened 1 year ago

praeducer commented 1 year ago
praeducer commented 1 year ago

Just messaged the algorithms channel in Slack and Sandeep for a list.


praeducer commented 1 year ago

Related to the discussions on our full-team meeting today and what I posted in #coinstac-algorithms, I wanted to start a discussion here: How can we better relate dev work back to research goals and deadlines? What changes to our collaboration processes and tooling should we make?

Currently, I'm thinking of anything with a deadline should be a Milestone. Then, anything that is fairly consistent throughout the year (like research groups, projects, grants, and maybe even the PI's/researcher's themselves) would be Labels.

Also, any deadlines should be shared out as calendar events. These could be things like submission deadlines for conferences and grants.

The hardest part of this is getting the humans to follow the patterns... like ideally whoever is leading the project should add the deadline to a shared calendar we can all see and needs to mention it during our weekly meetings.

praeducer commented 1 year ago

sandeep panta 11:39 Here are some I have on the list for upcoming deadlines: -Singularity feature without job scheduler (Testing group : Halfpipe team,), impact factor: high, reason: new channels and user groups who only have access to Singularity can join the research which leads to research publications and interesting results -Singularity with job scheduler , more sites have this setup fro my experience, Ohio state university (Jess), ENIGMA groups, Gunter's groups, impact factor same as above if not higher -Computation development: Name of algorithm-Decentralized SBM, helps run ICA on sMRI data which will be very useful and ICA is something Vince is known for, so this will be a unique highlight feature that leads to cool research publications. Debrata Saha , a phd student is working on this. --Computation development: Name of algorithm- Decentralized version of multi-site canonical correlation analysis with reference + joint-independent component analysis ( mCCAR+jICA) approach in Fusion ICA toolbox (FIT) Paper link:, Sumanth the new GRA is working on this. Impact factor : high since its a new algorithm in COINSTAC.

praeducer commented 1 year ago

OHBM, NeurIPS are other good ones to include.

praeducer commented 1 year ago

I have started the pattern in Github and in Outlook calendar for establishing deadlines and tracking accomplishments via Milestones. Here are the first three:

@sandeep panta and I are working on how to add these to a shared team calendar via a team email alias.

These can be used to make sure we plan ahead to reduce stress and also to make sure we can better schedule other improvements to COINSTAC. This will also aid in summarizing and associating all of our work with accomplishments like research papers, projects, and grants.

praeducer commented 1 year ago

Created a separate task for calendar and file sharing:

praeducer commented 1 year ago

Per Sandeep: Just absorbing some of Vince feedback today. I think the takeaway from tagging github tasks to achieve transparency for devs and efficiency, should be targeted more towards projects, end users awaiting coinstac feature, paper submissions etc. I think what Vince was saying was that, Grants is such a big umbrella that everything can be tagged into a grant pretty much, since there are basically handful of big grants supporting it. Once we get priority of projects from PI's, wishlist items etc. which would be my task, between us we can use that for tagging issues, and that should be satisfying the goal of dev transparency, motivation, better tracking. So I believe he was just suggesting it would be an extra unnecessary layer to have a tag that says grant since everything we develop falls under some grant practically. Just want to make sure we are synced up on this incase what Vince said was confusing or something. But gathering paper submission deadlines, projects, features, wish lists etc. is still my task that will be help us plan sprints.

praeducer commented 1 year ago

Frontiers has a recently launched research collection, Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders Affecting Military Personnel and Veterans. In­formation on the collection can be found here. The deadline for submission is June 2023, but Frontiers fast-track review process, led by the editorial team, means each article is published online as soon as it’s been successfully peer-reviewed and accepted (typically within 61 days). As an open-access journal, publishing fees are applied to accepted articles. Please contact to discuss fees, institutional waivers, and discounts.